Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /* calcite.c - get calcium carbonate concentration. */
3 /* */
4 /* Inputs: */
5 /* l2rec - level-2 structure containing one complete scan after */
6 /* atmospheric correction. */
7 /* Outputs: */
8 /* caco3 - calcium carbonate concentration, per pixel . */
9 /* */
10 /* Written by: W. Robinson, GSC, 7 Jun 2000. */
11 /* S. Bailey, OCDPG, July 2004, conversion to C. */
12 /* B. Franz, OCDPG, Sep 2004, sensor generalization and */
13 /* implementation of 2-Band algorithm. */
14 /* */
15 /* 2014: Standardized to use common table for 2-band alg */
16 /* and adjust green nLw as needed for sensor. */
17 /* */
18 /* 2014: Changed bbstar from 4 to 1.628. */
19 /* */
20 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <math.h>
24 #include "l12_proto.h"
25 #include "l2_flags.h"
27 #define BAD_CACO3 BAD_FLT
29 static int32_t caco3_msk = LAND | HIGLINT | CLOUD | HILT;
30 static float pi = PI;
31 static float bbstr = 1.628;
32 static float caco3min = 1e-5; // BCB - was 1.18e-5
33 static float caco3hi = 0.0005; // BCB - was 0.003
34 static float fixedbbstar = 1.28;
36 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
37 /* calcite_3b() - calcium carbonate concentration from 3-Band algorith.. */
38 /* */
39 /* Gordon, H.R. Boynton, G.C., Balch, W.M., Groom, S.B., Harbour, D.S., */
40 /* Smyth, T.J., Retrieval of Coccolithophore Calcite Concentration from */
41 /* SeaWiFS Imagery, GRL, 28, 8, 1587-1590. */
42 /* */
43 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
45 float calcite_3b(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip) {
46  static int firstCall = 1;
47  static int maxiter = 10;
48  static float ftrans = 6.179; /* (1/.298)*(1/.543) */
50  static float wave[3] = {670., 760., 870.}; /* approx. wavelengths */
51  static int bx [3];
52  static float aw [3];
53  static float bbw [3];
54  static float bbc [3];
55  static float t [3];
56  static float b68diff;
57  static float b78diff;
58  static float fw1, fw2;
60  static float oobswf[3][8] = {
61  {0.000313529, 0.000770558, 0.00152194, 0.000155573,
62  0.00116455, 0.0, 0.000445433, 0.000124172},
63  {0.000201709, 6.96143e-05, 7.00147e-06, 2.28957e-07,
64  4.17788e-05, 0.00159814, 0.0, 0.00536827},
65  {0.000463807, 8.54003e-05, 2.47401e-05, 0.000755890,
66  0.00587073, 0.00021686, 0.0111331, 0.0}
67  };
69  int32_t ipb, ib, i;
70  float *rhoaw;
71  float rho[3];
72  float bbc_cclth, r8_cclth, aeps_cclth;
73  float bbcinit, bbctol;
74  int numiter;
75  int32_t nwave, status = 0;
76  float *awptr, *bbwptr;
77  float caco3;
78  float bbw546;
79  float newbbstar; // BCB - new, dynamic bb*
81  l1str *l1rec = l2rec->l1rec;
82  filehandle *l1file = l1rec->l1file;
83  nwave = l1file->nbands;
85  if (firstCall) {
87  /* save coeffs for the three bands, resolve actual sensor wave */
88  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
89  bx [i] = windex(wave[i], l1file->fwave, nwave);
90  wave[i] = l1file->fwave[bx[i]];
92  bbc [i] = 0.0;
93  }
95  b68diff = wave[2] - wave[0];
96  b78diff = wave[1] - wave[0];
98  /* spectral dependence of bbc */
99  fw1 = pow(wave[0] / wave[1], 1.35);
100  fw2 = pow(wave[0] / wave[2], 1.35);
102  firstCall = 0;
103  }
105  /* set aw & bbw */
107  ipb = ip*nwave;
108  awptr = &l1rec->sw_a_avg[ipb];
109  bbwptr = &l1rec->sw_bb_avg[ipb];
111  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
112  aw [i] = awptr [bx[i]];
113  bbw [i] = bbwptr[bx[i]];
114  }
115  bbw546 = seawater_bb(546.0, l1rec->sstref[ip], l1rec->sssref[ip], 0.039);
117  status = 0;
118  numiter = 0;
119  bbctol = 100.;
120  bbcinit = 0.00085;
121  caco3 = BAD_CACO3;
122  bbc[0] = 0.000;
124  /* skip pixel if already masked (this should not include ATMFAIL) */
125  if ((l1rec->flags[ip] & caco3_msk) != 0) {
126  return (caco3);
127  }
129  if ((rhoaw = (float *) calloc(nwave, sizeof (float))) == NULL) {
130  printf("-E- : Error allocating memory to rhoaw\n");
131  exit(FATAL_ERROR);
132  }
134  /* compute the aerosol/water reflectance (include out-of-band correction for SeaWiFS) */
135  if (l1file->sensorID == SEAWIFS) {
136  for (ib = 0; ib < nwave; ib++) {
137  ipb = nwave * ip + ib;
138  rhoaw[ib] = ((l2rec->l1rec->Lt[ipb] / l1rec->tg_sol[ipb] / l1rec->tg_sen[ipb] - l1rec->tLf[ipb]
139  - l1rec->Lr[ipb]) / l1rec->t_o2[ipb] - l1rec->TLg[ipb]) * pi / l1rec->Fo[ib] / l1rec->csolz[ip];
140  }
141  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
142  rho[i] = rhoaw[bx[i]];
143  for (ib = 0; ib < nwave; ib++) {
144  rho[i] -= rhoaw[ib] * oobswf[i][ib];
145  if (rho[i] <= 0.0) status = 1;
146  }
147  }
148  } else {
149  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
150  ib = bx[i];
151  ipb = nwave * ip + ib;
152  rho[i] = ((l2rec->l1rec->Lt[ipb] / l1rec->tg_sol[ipb] / l1rec->tg_sen[ipb] - l1rec->tLf[ipb]
153  - l1rec->Lr[ipb]) / l1rec->t_o2[ipb] - l1rec->TLg[ipb]) * pi / l1rec->Fo[ib] / l1rec->csolz[ip];
154  if (rho[i] <= 0.0) status = 1;
155  }
156  }
158  /* skip pixel on negative surface reflectance */
159  if (status != 0) {
160  free(rhoaw);
161  return (caco3);
162  }
164  /* compute total transmittance */
165  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
166  ipb = nwave * ip + bx[i];
167  t[i] = l1rec->tg_sol[ipb] * l1rec->tg_sen[ipb] * l1rec->t_sol[ipb] * l1rec->t_sen[ipb];
168  }
170  /* compute backscatter at 546 nm */
171  while (bbctol > 5. && numiter < maxiter) {
173  numiter++;
175  bbc[1] = bbc[0] * fw1;
176  bbc[2] = bbc[0] * fw2;
178  /* reflectance at longest wavelength */
179  r8_cclth = rho[2] - (bbw[2] + bbc[2]) / (aw[2] + bbw[2] + bbc[2]) / ftrans * t[2];
181  if ((r8_cclth > 0.09) || (r8_cclth < 0)) {
182  status = 1;
183  bbc[0] = 0;
184  break;
185  }
187  /* atmospheric epsilon at two longest wavelengths */
188  aeps_cclth = log((rho[1] - (bbw[1] + bbc[1]) / (aw[1] + bbw[1] + bbc[1]) / ftrans * t[1]) / r8_cclth) / b78diff;
190  if (aeps_cclth > 0.4) {
191  status = 1;
192  bbc[0] = 0;
193  break;
194  }
196  /* --------------- */
197  bbc[0] = (rho[0] - r8_cclth * exp(aeps_cclth * b68diff)) / t[0] * (aw[0] + bbw[0] + bbc[0]) * ftrans - bbw[0];
199  if ((bbc[0] <= 0) || isnan(bbc[0])) {
200  status = 1;
201  bbc[0] = 0;
202  break;
203  }
205  bbctol = fabs((bbcinit - bbc[0]) / bbcinit)*100.;
206  bbcinit = bbc[0];
207  }
210  if (status == 0) {
212  bbc_cclth = bbc[0] / pow((546. / wave[0]), 1.35) - bbw546;
213  if (bbc_cclth > 0) {
214  // convert to calcite in moles/m^3 (Balch 2005)
215  caco3 = bbc_cclth / bbstr;
216  newbbstar = pow(10,(0.2007476*log10(caco3)*log10(caco3) + 1.033187*log10(caco3) + 1.069821));
218  if (newbbstar < fixedbbstar) {
219  newbbstar = fixedbbstar;
220  }
222  caco3 = caco3*bbstr/newbbstar;
223  }
224  }
226  free(rhoaw);
228  return (caco3);
229 }
232 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
233 /* calcite_2b() - calcium carbonate concentration from 2-Band algorith.. */
234 /* */
235 /* Gordon, H.R. and Balch, W.M., MODIS Detached Coccolith Concentration */
236 /* Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, April 30, 1999 */
237 /* */
238 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
240 #define N443 490
241 #define N550 456
243 float calcite_2b(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip) {
244  static int firstCall = 1;
245  static int bandShift = 0;
247  static float* t443;
248  static float* t550;
249  typedef float tbb_t[N550];
250  static tbb_t* tbb;
251  static int32_t ib443;
252  static int32_t ib550;
254  float caco3;
255  int i443 = 0, i550 = 0;
256  float x, y, a, b;
257  int32_t nwave, i, nc;
258  float x443, x550;
259  float bb1, bb2, bb;
260  float newbbstar; // BCB - new, dynamic bb*
262  l1str *l1rec = l2rec->l1rec;
263  filehandle *l1file = l1rec->l1file;
264  nwave = l1file->nbands;
266  if (firstCall) {
268  t443 = (float*) allocateMemory(N443 * sizeof (float), "t443");
269  t550 = (float*) allocateMemory(N550 * sizeof (float), "t550");
270  tbb = (tbb_t*) allocateMemory(N443 * sizeof (tbb_t), "tbb");
272  FILE *fp;
273  char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
274  char line [80];
276  strcpy(filename, input->picfile);
277  if (strlen(filename) == 0) {
278  printf("-E- %s line %d: No picfile specified.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
279  exit(1);
280  }
281  printf("Loading PIC 2-band algorithm table %s\n", filename);
283  ib443 = windex(443., l1file->fwave, nwave);
284  ib550 = windex(550., l1file->fwave, nwave);
286  if (strstr(filename, "common") != NULL) {
287  printf("Assuming PIC table is for 443nm and 555nm.\n");
288  bandShift = 1;
289  ib443 = bindex_get(443);
290  ib550 = bindex_get_555();
291  if (ib443 < 0 || ib550 < 0) {
292  printf("-E- %s line %d: required bands not available PIC\n",
293  __FILE__, __LINE__);
294  exit(1);
295  }
296  }
298  if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
299  fprintf(stderr, "-E- %s line %d: unable to open %s for reading\n",
300  __FILE__, __LINE__, filename);
301  exit(1);
302  }
304  // Skip comment lines
305  nc = 0;
306  while (fgets(line, 80, fp)) {
307  if (line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '\n') {
308  break;
309  }
310  nc++;
311  }
312  rewind(fp);
313  for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
314  fgets(line, 80, fp);
316  // Load table
318  for (i443 = 0; i443 < N443; i443++)
319  for (i550 = 0; i550 < N550; i550++) {
320  fscanf(fp, "%f %f %f %f\n", &x, &y, &a, &b);
321  t443[i443] = x;
322  t550[i550] = y;
323  tbb [i443][i550] = a;
324  }
326  firstCall = 0;
327  }
329  caco3 = BAD_CACO3;
331  // skip pixel if already masked (this includes ATMFAIL)
332  if (l1rec->mask[ip]) {
333  return (caco3);
334  }
336  x443 = l2rec->nLw[ip * nwave + ib443];
337  x550 = l2rec->nLw[ip * nwave + ib550];
339  // if required radiances are negative, fail; BCB - correct comment
340  if (x550 <= 0.0) {
341  return (caco3);
342  }
343  if (x443 <= 0.0) {
344  return (caco3);
345  }
347  // adjust nLw to 555 based on Rrs555/Rrs5xx ratio
348  if (bandShift) {
349  float Rrs555 = conv_rrs_to_555(l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ib550], l1file->fwave[ib550]);
350  x550 *= Rrs555 / l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ib550];
351  }
353  // locate bounding table indices
354  for (i = 0; i < N443; i++) {
355  if (x443 < t443[i]) {
356  i443 = i;
357  break;
358  }
359  }
360  if (x443 >= t443[N443-1]) // BCB - Explicit check for high side of the table
361  i443 = N443;
363  for (i=0; i<N550; i++) {
364  if (x550 < t550[i]) {
365  i550 = i;
366  break;
367  }
368  }
369  if (x550 >= t550[N550-1]) // BCB - Explicit check for high side of the table
370  i550 = N550;
372  // radiances less than table entries, fail and don't call 3band; BCB - change failure
373  if (i443 <=0) { // BCB - is nLw443 is lower than any entry in table?
374  return(-1.0); // BCB - yes, set failure mode
375  }
376  if (i550 <=0) { // BCB - is nLw550 is lower than any entry in table?
377  return(-1.0); // BCB - yes, set failure mode
378  }
380  // radiances greater than table entries, fail
381  if (i443 >= N443 || i550 >= N550) {
382  return (caco3);
383  }
385  // radiances associated with missing table entries, fail
386  if (tbb[i443 - 1][i550 - 1] > 998.9 || tbb[i443 ][i550 - 1] > 998.9 ||
387  tbb[i443 - 1][i550 ] > 998.9 || tbb[i443 ][i550 ] > 998.9) {
388  return (caco3);
389  }
391  // interpolate to get bb(546)
392  bb1 = tbb[i443 - 1][i550 - 1] + (x443 - t443[i443 - 1])*
393  (tbb[i443][i550 - 1] - tbb[i443 - 1][i550 - 1]) / (t443[i443] - t443[i443 - 1]);
395  bb2 = tbb[i443 - 1][i550 ] + (x443 - t443[i443 - 1])*
396  (tbb[i443][i550 ] - tbb[i443 - 1][i550 ]) / (t443[i443] - t443[i443 - 1]);
398  bb = bb1 + (x550 - t550[i550 - 1]) * (bb2 - bb1) / (t550[i550] - t550[i550 - 1]);
400  // convert to calcite in moles/m^3 (Balch 2005)
401  caco3 = bb / bbstr;
403  newbbstar = pow(10,(0.2007476*log10(caco3)*log10(caco3) + 1.033187*log10(caco3) + 1.069821));
405  if (newbbstar < fixedbbstar) {
406  newbbstar = fixedbbstar;
407  }
409  caco3 = caco3*bbstr/newbbstar;
411  // if (caco3 < caco3min ) {
412  // caco3 = caco3min;
413  //}
415  return(caco3);
416 }
420 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
421 /* calcite_c() - calcium carbonate concentration (combined algorithm) */
422 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
423 float calcite_c(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip) {
424  float caco3 = BAD_CACO3;
425  int32_t shallow;
426  int32_t turbid;
427  int32_t shallowDepth = 30; // BCB - how shallow is too shallow?
429  turbid = ((l2rec->l1rec->flags[ip] & TURBIDW) != 0); // BCB - is the TURBID flag set?
430  shallow = (abs(l2rec->l1rec->dem[ip]) < shallowDepth); // BCB - use depth, rather than SHALLOW flag
433  if (turbid & shallow) {
434  caco3 = BAD_CACO3; // BCB - if it's shallow and turbid, we don't believe it.
435  } else {
436  caco3 = calcite_2b(l2rec,ip); // BCB - calculate 2 band value
437  if (caco3 < 0.0) { // BCB - did it fail?
438  if (caco3 < -2.0) { // BCB - yes, how did it fail?
439  caco3 = calcite_3b(l2rec,ip); // BCB - normal 2 band failure, call the 3 band
440  if (caco3 < caco3hi) { // BCB - is 3 band value believable?
441  caco3 = BAD_CACO3; // BCB - nope, fail.
442  }
443  } else {
444  caco3 = BAD_CACO3; // BCB - 2 band failed out of the low side of the table, fail
445  }
446  }
447  }
449  // if valid value
450  if (caco3 > BAD_CACO3) {
451  caco3 = MAX(caco3, caco3min);
452  }
454  return (caco3);
455 }
457 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
458 /* calcite_ci2() - calcium carbonate concentration - CI2 algorithm */
459 /* reference: doi:10.1002/2017JC013146 */
461 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
462 float calcite_ci2(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip) {
463  float caco3 = BAD_CACO3;
464  int nwave = l2rec->l1rec->l1file->nbands;
465  static int32_t ibRed;
466  static int32_t ibGreen;
467  static int firstCall = 1;
469  if (firstCall) {
470  ibRed = windex(667., l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave, nwave);
471  ibGreen = windex(550., l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave, nwave);
472  firstCall = 0;
473  }
475  float RrsRed = l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ibRed];
476  float RrsGreen = l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ibGreen];
477  if (RrsRed >= 0.0 && RrsGreen >= 0.0) {
478  caco3 = 1.3055 * (RrsGreen - RrsRed) - 0.00188; // SRP 09/21 changed from previous caco3 = 0.4579 * (RrsGreen - RrsRed) - 0.0006;
479  }
480  if (caco3<0) {
481  caco3=BAD_CACO3;
482  }
483  return (caco3);
484 }
486 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
487 /* calcite_ciNIR() - calcium carbonate concentration - */
488 /* CI748 or CI869 algorithm */
489 /* reference: doi:10.1002/2017JC013146 */
491 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
492 float calcite_ciNIR(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip, int32_t NIR) {
493  float caco3 = BAD_CACO3;
494  float CI = BAD_FLT;
495  int nwave = l2rec->l1rec->l1file->nbands;
496  static int32_t ibNIR;
497  static int32_t ibRed;
498  static int32_t ibGreen;
499  static float wvlratio;
500  static int firstCall = 1;
502  if (firstCall) {
503  if (NIR == 869) {
504  ibNIR = windex(869., l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave, nwave);
506  } else {
507  ibNIR = windex(748., l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave, nwave);
508  }
509  ibRed = windex(667., l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave, nwave);
510  ibGreen = windex(550., l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave, nwave);
511  wvlratio = (l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave[ibRed] -
512  l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave[ibGreen]) /
513  (l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave[ibNIR] -
514  l2rec->l1rec->l1file->fwave[ibGreen]);
515  firstCall = 0;
516  }
518  float RrsNIR = l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ibNIR];
519  if (RrsNIR == BAD_FLT)
520  RrsNIR = 0.0;
521  float RrsRed = l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ibRed];
522  float RrsGreen = l2rec->Rrs[ip * nwave + ibGreen];
523  if (RrsRed >= 0.0 && RrsGreen >= 0.0) {
524  CI = RrsRed - (RrsGreen + (wvlratio * (RrsNIR - RrsGreen)));
525  if (NIR == 869) {
526  caco3 = -0.8013 * CI - 0.00076;
527  } else {
528  caco3 = -1.3764 * CI - 0.00071;
529  }
530  }
531  if (caco3<0) {
532  caco3=BAD_CACO3;
533  }
535  return (caco3);
536 }
538 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
539 /* calcite() - l2_hdf_generic interface for calcite (pic) */
540 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
541 void calcite(l2str *l2rec, l2prodstr *p, float prod[]) {
542  int32_t ip;
544  for (ip = 0; ip < l2rec->l1rec->npix; ip++) {
545  switch (p->cat_ix) {
546  case CAT_calcite:
547  prod[ip] = calcite_c(l2rec, ip);
548  break;
549  case CAT_calcite_2b:
550  prod[ip] = calcite_2b(l2rec, ip);
551  break;
552  case CAT_calcite_3b:
553  prod[ip] = calcite_3b(l2rec, ip);
554  break;
555  case CAT_calcite_ci2:
556  prod[ip] = calcite_ci2(l2rec, ip);
557  break;
558  case CAT_calcite_ci748:
559  prod[ip] = calcite_ciNIR(l2rec, ip,748);
560  break;
561  case CAT_calcite_ci869:
562  prod[ip] = calcite_ciNIR(l2rec, ip,869);
563  break;
564  default:
565  printf("Error: %s : Unknown product specifier: %d\n", __FILE__, p->cat_ix);
566  exit(1);
567  break;
568  }
570  if (prod[ip] == BAD_CACO3)
571  l2rec->l1rec->flags[ip] |= PRODFAIL;
572  }
574  return;
575 }
int32 l1file(int32 sdfid, int32 *nsamp, int32 *nscans, int16 *dtynum)
Definition: l1stat_chk.c:586
#define MAX(A, B)
Definition: swl0_utils.h:26
data_t t[NROOTS+1]
Definition: decode_rs.h:77
float calcite_ci2(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip)
Definition: calcite.c:462
#define CAT_calcite_ci2
Definition: l2prod.h:374
#define N443
Definition: calcite.c:240
int status
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:32
#define N550
Definition: calcite.c:241
Definition: hybrid.c:24
void * allocateMemory(size_t numBytes, const char *name)
Definition: allocateMemory.c:7
#define NULL
Definition: decode_rs.h:63
read l1rec
const double pi
#define CAT_calcite_2b
Definition: l2prod.h:91
#define PRODFAIL
Definition: l2_flags.h:41
float calcite_3b(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip)
Definition: calcite.c:45
instr * input
#define CAT_calcite_3b
Definition: l2prod.h:59
#define PI
Definition: l3_get_org.c:6
#define TURBIDW
Definition: l2_flags.h:22
#define CAT_calcite
Definition: l2prod.h:124
int bindex_get(int32_t wave)
Definition: windex.c:45
#define CAT_calcite_ci869
Definition: l2prod.h:376
#define CAT_calcite_ci748
Definition: l2prod.h:375
Definition: swl0_parms.h:5
#define BAD_CACO3
Definition: calcite.c:27
float calcite_2b(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip)
Definition: calcite.c:243
char filename[FILENAME_MAX]
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:122
#define CLOUD
Definition: l2_flags.h:20
#define LAND
Definition: l2_flags.h:12
#define HILT
Definition: l2_flags.h:15
float calcite_c(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip)
Definition: calcite.c:423
data_t b[NROOTS+1]
Definition: decode_rs.h:77
#define BAD_FLT
Definition: jplaeriallib.h:19
#define fabs(a)
Definition: misc.h:93
int windex(float wave, float twave[], int ntwave)
Definition: windex.c:73
#define HIGLINT
Definition: l2_flags.h:14
#define SEAWIFS
Definition: sensorDefs.h:12
#define abs(a)
Definition: misc.h:90
float calcite_ciNIR(l2str *l2rec, int32_t ip, int32_t NIR)
Definition: calcite.c:492
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
How many dimensions is the output array Default is Not sure if anything above will work correctly strcpy(l2prod->title, "no title yet")
PGE01 indicating that PGE02 PGE01 V6 for and PGE01 V2 for MOD03 were used to produce the granule By convention adopted in all MODIS Terra PGE02 code versions are The fourth digit of the PGE02 version denotes the LUT version used to produce the granule The source of the metadata environment variable ProcessingCenter was changed from a QA LUT value to the Process Configuration A sign used in error in the second order term was changed to a
Definition: HISTORY.txt:424
float seawater_bb(float wave, float sst, float sss, double delta)
Definition: seawater.c:176
float p[MODELMAX]
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:131
int bindex_get_555(void)
Definition: windex.c:57
void calcite(l2str *l2rec, l2prodstr *p, float prod[])
Definition: calcite.c:541
float conv_rrs_to_555(float Rrs, float wave)
Definition: convert_band.c:17