Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
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1 /*Uitz algorithm for determining the distribution of phytoplankton communities based upon surface chlorophyll
2  *
3  * This algorithm utilizes the near-surface chlorophyll a concentration as derived from satellite ocean color observation to infer the the phytoplankton functional type composition.
4  *
5  * Citation:
6  * Uitz,J.,H. Claustre, A. Morel, and S.B. Hooker (2006), Vertical distributin of phytoplankton communities in open ocean: An assessment based on surface chlorophyll, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C08005, doi:10.1029/2005JC003207.
7  *
8  * This algorithm was developed by Robert Lossing in October 2013 */
10 #include <stdlib.h>
11 #include <math.h>
12 #include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
13 #include "l12_proto.h"
15 void calc_pft_uitz(float mld, float lat, float chl, float *fm, float *fn, float *fp) {
17  /*Check Chlorophyll and mixed layer depth (mld) inputs and pixel fill values with ERROR CODES (2 if chl<0 and 5 if mld <=0) */
19  if (chl < 0) {
20  *fm = BAD_FLT;
21  *fn = BAD_FLT;
22  *fp = BAD_FLT;
23  return;
24  }
25  if (mld <= 0) {
26  *fm = BAD_FLT;
27  *fn = BAD_FLT;
28  *fp = BAD_FLT;
29  return;
30  }
31  float f;
32  /*Estimate the euphotic depth (Zeu) using chl Eq. 10 of Morel et al., RSE 111, 69-88, 2007 */
34  float x, a, y, zeu;
35  x = log(chl);
36  a = 0.0186 * pow(x, 3);
37  y = 1.524 - 0.436 * x - 0.0145 * pow(x, 2) + a;
38  zeu = pow(10, y);
40  /*Zm equals the mixed layer depth (mld) */
41  float zm;
42  zm = mld;
44  /*Determine if waters are mixed or stratified. */
45  if (zeu / zm > 1) {
46  /* Determination of coeffiecients and variables for equation 7.
47  *
48  * Explanation of variable names:
49  * trophcat = Trophic categories defined with respect to the chlorophyll a concentration within the surface layer, [Chla]surf
50  * chpcb,ps,pcmax,pzeta,pzetamax,pdeltamax = parameter placeholder value for equation 7 */
52  int trophcathi, trophcatlo;
54  /* Values of the five parameters (Table 5) to be used in equation (7) bbtained for the average dimensionless vertical profiles of
55  * Chla,Micro-Chla,Nano-Chla, and Pico-Chla, for each trophic class of stratified water (S1 to S9) (Table 5)*/
57  // If the variable has a number at the end of it,it is related to a PFT size class.1=chla, 2= micro, 3= nano, 4 = pico. //
59  //Table 5 Parameters for Chla
60  float cb1 [9] = {0.471, 0.533, 0.428, 0.570, 0.611, 0.390, 0.569, 0.835, 0.188};
61  float s1 [9] = {0.135, 0.172, 0.138, 0.173, 0.214, 0.109, 0.183, 0.298, 0};
62  float cmax1 [9] = {1.572, 1.194, 1.015, 0.766, 0.676, 0.788, 0.608, 0.382, 0.885};
63  float zetamax1 [9] = {0.969, 0.921, 0.905, 0.814, 0.663, 0.521, 0.452, 0.512, 0.378};
64  float deltazeta1 [9] = {0.393, 0.435, 0.630, 0.586, 0.539, 0.681, 0.744, 0.625, 1.081};
65  //Table 5 Parameters for Micro-Chla
66  float cb2[9] = {0.036, 0.071, 0.076, 0.071, 0.145, 0.173, 0.237, 0.331, 0.891};
67  float s2 [9] = {0.020, 0.020, 0.021, 0.021, 0.050, 0.044, 0.077, 0.105, 0.302};
68  float cmax2 [9] = {0.122, 0.173, 0.126, 0.160, 0.163, 0.161, 0.158, 0.278, 0};
69  float zetamax2 [9] = {1.012, 0.885, 0.835, 0.776, 0.700, 0.600, 0.521, 0.451, 0.277};
70  float deltazeta2 [9] = {0.532, 0.406, 0.424, 0.546, 0.479, 0.508, 0.543, 0.746, 1.014};
71  //Table 5 Parameters for Nano-Chla
72  float cb3 [9] = {0.138, 0.129, 0.142, 0.192, 0.188, 0.331, 0.201, 0.227, 0.171};
73  float s3 [9] = {0.033, 0.014, 0, 0.037, 0.055, 0.132, 0.084, 0.081, 0};
74  float cmax3 [9] = {0.764, 0.589, 0.463, 0.400, 0.418, 0.294, 0.350, 0.198, 0.088};
75  float zetamax3 [9] = {0.980, 0.899, 0.872, 0.782, 0.650, 0.501, 0.402, 0.181, 0.375};
76  float deltazeta3 [9] = {0.451, 0.454, 0.526, 0.535, 0.640, 0.516, 0724, 0.690, 0.352};
77  //Table 5 Parameters for Pico-Chla
78  float cb4 [9] = {0.222, 0.242, 0.254, 0.271, 0.159, 0.176, 0.009, 0.094, 0.051};
79  float s4 [9] = {0.114, 0.109, 0.099, 0.100, 0.052, 0.071, 0, 0.040, 0.023};
80  float cmax4 [9] = {0.906, 0.627, 0.437, 0.255, 0.176, 0.129, 0.251, 0.109, 0};
81  float zetamax4 [9] = {0.970, 0.977, 0.969, 0.858, 0.574, 0.458, 0.239, 0.187, 0.052};
82  float deltazeta4 [9] = {0.352, 0.427, 0.634, 0.637, 0.650, 0.626, 0.943, 0.618, 0.417};
84  //interpolation
85  int i;
86  float f;
88  //for (i = 0; i<9 ;i++)
90  /*Trophic Categories for Stratified Waters were Defined With Respect to the Chlorophyll a Concentration Within the Surface Layer,
91  * [Chla]surf, and the Associated Parameters. Stratified Waters were separated into 9 trophic categories"trophcat". */
93  float avgchlasurf_stratified [9] = {.032, 0.062, 0.098, 0.158, 0.244, 0.347, 0.540, 1.235, 2.953};
96  // Average Chla surface mg m-3 values from Table 3 for stratified waters.
97  if (chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[0]) {
98  trophcathi = 0;
99  trophcatlo = 0;
100  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_stratified[0] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[1]) {
101  trophcatlo = 0;
102  trophcathi = 1;
103  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[1] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[2]) {
104  trophcatlo = 1;
105  trophcathi = 2;
106  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[2] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[3]) {
107  trophcatlo = 2;
108  trophcathi = 3;
109  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[3] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[4]) {
110  trophcatlo = 3;
111  trophcathi = 4;
112  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[4] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[5]) {
113  trophcatlo = 4;
114  trophcathi = 5;
115  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[5] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[6]) {
116  trophcatlo = 5;
117  trophcathi = 6;
118  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[6] && chl <= avgchlasurf_stratified[7]) {
119  trophcatlo = 6;
120  trophcathi = 7;
121  } else if (chl >= avgchlasurf_stratified[7] && chl < avgchlasurf_stratified[8]) {
122  trophcatlo = 7;
123  trophcathi = 8;
124  } else {
125  trophcatlo = 8;
126  trophcathi = 8;
127  }
128  // Returns the proper lower and upper Table 5 coeffecients necessary for Equation 7 using the calculated Trophic Category / Stratified Class
130  /* weighting scheme uses Kd490 as input into Gordon and Clark 1980. Estimate Kd490 using Chl Eq. 8 of Morel et al., RSE 111, 69-88, 2007. */
132  float kd;
133  kd = 0.0166 + 0.0773 * pow(chl, 0.6715);
136  /* weighting scheme */
137  //float od [11] = {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1};
138  float od; //Optical Depth
139  float wt; //Weighting Scheme
140  float sumczetachlahi, sumczetamicrohi, sumczetananohi, sumczetapicohi, sumwt;
141  float sumczetachlalo, sumczetamicrolo, sumczetananolo, sumczetapicolo;
142  float increment;
145  sumczetachlahi = 0;
146  sumczetamicrohi = 0;
147  sumczetananohi = 0;
148  sumczetapicohi = 0;
149  sumczetachlalo = 0;
150  sumczetamicrolo = 0;
151  sumczetananolo = 0;
152  sumczetapicolo = 0;
153  increment = .1;
154  sumwt = 0;
155  od = 0;
157  for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
159  wt = pow(exp(-kd * zeu * od), 2);
160  sumwt += wt;
162  /* Equation 7: The upper and lower PFTs fractional values are calulated to provide the upper/lower interpolation boundaries */
163  //czeta1[i] = cb1[trophcatlo]-s1[trophcatlo]*od + cmax1[trophcatlo] * exp(-(pow(od-zetamax1[trophcatlo])/deltazeta1[trophcatlo]),2) *wt;
164  sumczetachlalo += (cb1[trophcatlo] - s1[trophcatlo] * od + cmax1[trophcatlo] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax1[trophcatlo]) / deltazeta1[trophcatlo], 2))) * wt;
165  //Micro -Chla
166  sumczetamicrolo += (cb2[trophcatlo] - s2[trophcatlo] * od + cmax2[trophcatlo] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax2[trophcatlo]) / deltazeta2[trophcatlo], 2))) * wt;
167  // Nano-Chla
168  sumczetananolo += (cb3[trophcatlo] - s3[trophcatlo] * od + cmax3[trophcatlo] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax3[trophcatlo]) / deltazeta3[trophcatlo], 2))) * wt;
169  // Pico-Chla
170  sumczetapicolo += (cb4[trophcatlo] - s4[trophcatlo] * od + cmax4[trophcatlo] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax4[trophcatlo]) / deltazeta4[trophcatlo], 2))) * wt;
172  //czeta1[i] = cb1[trophcathi]-s1[trophcathi]*od + cmax1[trophcathi] * exp(-(pow(od-zetamax1[trophcathi])/deltazeta1[trophcathi]),2) *wt;
173  sumczetachlahi += (cb1[trophcathi] - s1[trophcathi] * od + cmax1[trophcathi] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax1[trophcathi]) / deltazeta1[trophcathi], 2))) * wt;
174  //Micro -Chla
175  sumczetamicrohi += (cb2[trophcathi] - s2[trophcathi] * od + cmax2[trophcathi] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax2[trophcathi]) / deltazeta2[trophcathi], 2))) * wt;
176  // Nano-Chla
177  sumczetananohi += (cb3[trophcathi] - s3[trophcathi] * od + cmax3[trophcathi] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax3[trophcathi]) / deltazeta3[trophcathi], 2))) * wt;
178  // Pico-Chla
179  sumczetapicohi += (cb4[trophcathi] - s4[trophcathi] * od + cmax4[trophcathi] * exp(-pow((od - zetamax4[trophcathi]) / deltazeta4[trophcathi], 2))) * wt;
181  od += increment;
182  }
183  //float chla;
184  float chlmhi, chlnhi, chlphi;
185  float chlmlo, chlnlo, chlplo;
186  float chlm, chln, chlp;
188  //returned PFT chlorophyll concentration values mg/m-3
189  //chla = sumczetachla/sumwt;
190  chlmlo = sumczetamicrolo / sumwt;
191  chlnlo = sumczetananolo / sumwt;
192  chlplo = sumczetapicolo / sumwt;
194  chlmhi = sumczetamicrohi / sumwt;
195  chlnhi = sumczetananohi / sumwt;
196  chlphi = sumczetapicohi / sumwt;
198  //Final Interpolation of Calculated Low and High PFT chlorophyll concentration (mg m-3) values
200  if (trophcathi == 0 && trophcatlo == 0) {
201  f = 1;
202  }
203  else if (trophcathi == 8 && trophcatlo == 8) {
204  f = 1;
205  }
206  else {
207  f = (chl - avgchlasurf_stratified[trophcatlo]) / (avgchlasurf_stratified[trophcathi] - avgchlasurf_stratified[trophcatlo]);
208  }
209  chlm = ((1 - f) * chlmlo) + (f * chlmhi);
210  chln = ((1 - f) * chlnlo) + (f * chlnhi);
211  chlp = ((1 - f) * chlplo) + (f * chlphi);
213  if (chlm > 1)
214  chlm = 1;
216  if (chln > 1)
217  chln = 1;
219  if (chlp > 1)
220  chlp = 1;
222  if (chlm < 0)
223  chlm = 0;
225  if (chln < 0)
226  chln = 0;
228  if (chlp < 0)
229  chlp = 0;
231  /* fractional contribution of micro, nano, and picoplankton */
233  *fm = chlm / (chlm + chln + chlp);
234  *fn = chln / (chlm + chln + chlp);
235  *fp = chlp / (chlm + chln + chlp);
237  }
238  /* If Zeu/Zm is NOT greater than 1 then the waters are mixed */
239  else {
241  if (lat >= -60) {
242  /* The following statements determine the corresponding PFTs fractional proportions in GLOBALLY MIXED WATERS (southern mixed waters excluded). */
243  int trophcathi, trophcatlo;
245  float global_mixed_waters_fmicro [5] = {.180, .241, .281, .522, .909};
246  float global_mixed_waters_fnano [5] = {.507, .498, .572, .381, .053};
247  float global_mixed_waters_fpico [5] = {.312, .262, .147, .097, .037};
249  /* The following procedure determines the high and low fractional values needed to interpolate the average fractional proportion of each PFTs class.
250  * The mixed waters into five trophic classes based upon average surface chlorophyll a (mg m-3) */
252  float avgchlasurf_global_mixed [5] = {0.234, 0.593, 0.891, 1.540, 7.964};
254  if (chl <= avgchlasurf_global_mixed[0]) {
255  trophcathi = 0;
256  trophcatlo = 0;
257  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_global_mixed[0] && chl <= avgchlasurf_global_mixed[1]) {
258  trophcatlo = 0;
259  trophcathi = 1;
260  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_global_mixed[1] && chl <= avgchlasurf_global_mixed[2]) {
261  trophcatlo = 1;
262  trophcathi = 2;
263  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_global_mixed[2] && chl <= avgchlasurf_global_mixed[3]) {
264  trophcatlo = 2;
265  trophcathi = 3;
266  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_global_mixed[3] && chl <= avgchlasurf_global_mixed[4]) {
267  trophcatlo = 3;
268  trophcathi = 4;
269  } else {
270  trophcatlo = 4;
271  trophcathi = 4;
272  }
274  //Final Interpolation of Calculated Low and High PFT chlorophyll concentration (mg m-3) values
275  if (trophcathi == 0 && trophcatlo == 0) {
276  f = 1;
277  }
278  else if (trophcathi == 4 && trophcatlo == 4) {
279  f = 1;
280  }
281  else {
282  f = (chl - avgchlasurf_global_mixed[trophcatlo]) / (avgchlasurf_global_mixed[trophcathi] - avgchlasurf_global_mixed[trophcatlo]);
283  }
285  float fmicro, fnano, fpico;
287  fmicro = ((1 - f) * global_mixed_waters_fmicro[trophcatlo]) + (f * global_mixed_waters_fmicro[trophcathi]);
288  fnano = ((1 - f) * global_mixed_waters_fnano[trophcatlo]) + (f * global_mixed_waters_fnano[trophcathi]);
289  fpico = ((1 - f) * global_mixed_waters_fpico[trophcatlo]) + (f * global_mixed_waters_fpico[trophcathi]);
291  if (fmicro > 1)
292  fmicro = 1;
293  if (fnano > 1)
294  fnano = 1;
295  if (fpico > 1)
296  fpico = 1;
298  if (fmicro < 0)
299  fmicro = 0;
300  if (fnano < 0)
301  fnano = 0;
302  if (fpico < 0)
303  fpico = 0;
305  /* fractional contribution of micro, nano, and picoplankton */
307  *fm = fmicro;
308  *fn = fnano;
309  *fp = fpico;
312  } else {
313  /*For southern mixed waters */
314  /* The following procedure determines the high and low fractional values needed to interpolate the average fractional proportion of each PFTs class.
315  * The mixed waters are separated into five trophic classes based upon average surface chlorophyll a (mg m-3) */
316  int trophcathi, trophcatlo;
317  float avgchlasurf_southern_mixed [5] = {0.345, 0.605, 0.889, 1.956, 5.755};
319  if (chl <= avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[0]) {
320  trophcathi = 0;
321  trophcatlo = 0;
322  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[0] && chl <= avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[1]) {
323  trophcatlo = 0;
324  trophcathi = 1;
325  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[1] && chl <= avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[2]) {
326  trophcatlo = 1;
327  trophcathi = 2;
328  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[2] && chl <= avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[3]) {
329  trophcatlo = 2;
330  trophcathi = 3;
331  } else if (chl > avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[3] && chl <= avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[4]) {
332  trophcatlo = 3;
333  trophcathi = 4;
334  } else {
335  trophcatlo = 4;
336  trophcathi = 4;
337  }
339  //Final Interpolation of Calculated Low and High PFT chlorophyll concentration (mg m-3) values
342  float southern_mixed_waters_fmicro [5] = {.534, .507, .446, .409, .137};
343  float southern_mixed_waters_fnano [5] = {.360, .441, .507, .566, .853};
344  float southern_mixed_waters_fpico [5] = {.106, .052, .047, .025, .010};
346  float f;
348  if (trophcathi == 0 && trophcatlo == 0) {
349  f = 1;
350  }
351  else if (trophcathi == 4 && trophcatlo == 4) {
352  f = 1;
353  }
354  else {
355  f = (chl - avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[trophcatlo]) / (avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[trophcathi] - avgchlasurf_southern_mixed[trophcatlo]);
356  }
358  float fmicro, fnano, fpico;
360  fmicro = ((1 - f) * southern_mixed_waters_fmicro[trophcatlo]) + (f * southern_mixed_waters_fmicro[trophcathi]);
361  fnano = ((1 - f) * southern_mixed_waters_fnano[trophcatlo]) + (f * southern_mixed_waters_fnano[trophcathi]);
362  fpico = ((1 - f) * southern_mixed_waters_fpico[trophcatlo]) + (f * southern_mixed_waters_fpico[trophcathi]);
364  if (fmicro > 1)
365  fmicro = 1;
366  if (fnano > 1)
367  fnano = 1;
368  if (fpico > 1)
369  fpico = 1;
371  if (fmicro < 0)
372  fmicro = 0;
373  if (fnano < 0)
374  fnano = 0;
375  if (fpico < 0)
376  fpico = 0;
378  /* fractional contribution of micro, nano, and picoplankton */
380  *fm = fmicro;
381  *fn = fnano;
382  *fp = fpico;
383  }
384  }
385 }
387 void get_pft_uitz(l2str *l2rec, l2prodstr *p, float prod[]) {
388  int i;
389  float mld, fm, fn, fp;
390  int16_t year, day;
391  double sec;
392  unix2yds(l2rec->l1rec->scantime, &year, &day, &sec);
394  l1str *l1rec = l2rec->l1rec;
396  for (i = 0; i < l1rec->npix; i++) {
397  mld = get_mld(input->mldfile, l1rec->lon[i], l1rec->lat[i], day);
398  if (l2rec->chl[i] == BAD_FLT) {
399  prod[i] = BAD_FLT;
400  continue;
401  }
403  switch (p->cat_ix) {
405  calc_pft_uitz(mld, l1rec->lat[i], l2rec->chl[i], &prod[i], &fn, &fp);
406  break;
408  calc_pft_uitz(mld, l1rec->lat[i], l2rec->chl[i], &fm, &prod[i], &fp);
409  break;
411  calc_pft_uitz(mld, l1rec->lat[i], l2rec->chl[i], &fm, &fn, &prod[i]);
412  break;
414  default:
415  printf("calc_chla_uitz can not produce product %s\n", p->algorithm_id);
416  exit(1);
417  }
418  if (isnan(prod[i])) {
419  prod[i] = BAD_FLT;
420  l1rec->flags[i] |= PRODFAIL;
421  }
422  }
423 }
float get_mld(char *mldfile, float lon, float lat, int day)
Definition: get_mld.cpp:347
int32_t day
read l1rec
float * lat
#define PRODFAIL
Definition: l2_flags.h:41
void get_pft_uitz(l2str *l2rec, l2prodstr *p, float prod[])
Definition: get_pft_uitz.c:387
#define CAT_nanoplankton_uitz
Definition: l2prod.h:303
instr * input
double precision function f(R1)
Definition: tmd.lp.f:1454
float * od[MAX_BANDS]
#define CAT_microplankton_uitz
Definition: l2prod.h:302
void calc_pft_uitz(float mld, float lat, float chl, float *fm, float *fn, float *fp)
Definition: get_pft_uitz.c:15
void unix2yds(double usec, short *year, short *day, double *secs)
#define BAD_FLT
Definition: jplaeriallib.h:19
#define CAT_picoplankton_uitz
Definition: l2prod.h:304
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
PGE01 indicating that PGE02 PGE01 V6 for and PGE01 V2 for MOD03 were used to produce the granule By convention adopted in all MODIS Terra PGE02 code versions are The fourth digit of the PGE02 version denotes the LUT version used to produce the granule The source of the metadata environment variable ProcessingCenter was changed from a QA LUT value to the Process Configuration A sign used in error in the second order term was changed to a
Definition: HISTORY.txt:424
float p[MODELMAX]
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:131