Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "L1A_prototype.h"
2 #include "mapi.h"
3 #include "MD_metadata.h"
4 #include "PGS_MODIS_35005.h"
5 #include "mapiL1A.h"
6 #include "PGS_SMF.h"
8 PGSt_SMF_status write_scan_metadata (MODFILE *L1A_file_ptr,
9  MD_SCAN_MET_t *scan_meta)
11 /*
12 !C*****************************************************************************
14 !Description: This function will write out the Scan Level Metadata (section
15  2 of the MODIS Level 1A Data Product Format) to the L1A file.
17 !Input Parameters:
18  MODFILE L1A_file_ptr ** A pointer to the L1A file **
19  MD_SCAN_MET_t scan_meta ** Scan level metadata for
20  this scan **
22 !Output Parameters:
23  None
25 Return Values:
29 Externally Defined:
30  PGSt_SMF_status (PGS_SMF.h)
31  MD_SCAN_MET_t (MD_metadata.h)
32  MODFILE (mapi.h)
33  M01SCAN_NUMBER (mapiL1A.h)
34  M01FRAME_COUNT_ARRAY (mapiL1A.h)
35  M01SCAN_TYPE (mapiL1A.h)
36  M01SD_START_TIME (mapiL1A.h)
37  M01SRCA_START_TIME (mapiL1A.h)
38  M01BB_START_TIME (mapiL1A.h)
39  M01SV_START_TIME (mapiL1A.h)
40  M01EV_START_TIME (mapiL1A.h)
42  M01PACKET_SCAN_COUNT (mapiL1A.h)
43  M01CCSDS_APID (mapiL1A.h)
44  M01PACKET_QL (mapiL1A.h)
45  M01MIRROR_SIDE (mapiL1A.h)
48 Called By:
49  write_scan
50  handle_missing_scans
52 Routines Called:
53  putMODISarray
54  log_fmt_msg
56 !Revision History:
57  revision 1.0 1997/09/04 17:30:00
58  Qi Huang/RDC (qhuang@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov)
59  Original development
61 !Team-unique Header:
62  This software is developed by the MODIS Science
63  Data Support Team (SDST) for the National Aeronautics
64  and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight
65  Center (GSFC), under contract NAS5-32373.
67 !References and Credits:
68  None
70 !Design Notes:
71  None
73 !END**********************************************************************
74 */
75 {
76  char *routine = "write_scan_metadata";
77  char msg[300];
78  PGSt_SMF_status returnStatus;
79  long int start[2];
80  long int dimsize[2] = {1,0};
81  long int dimsize_1[1] = {1};
83  start[0] = scan_meta->scan_num -1;
84  start[1] = 0;
86  /******************************************************************************/
87  /* */
88  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_S_SUCCESS */
89  /* */
90  /******************************************************************************/
92  returnStatus = MODIS_S_SUCCESS;
95  /******************************************************************************/
96  /* */
97  /* Compute dimsize array for the Scan number */
98  /* Compute the start for the Scan number */
99  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Scan number to the L1A granule */
100  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SCAN_NUMBER, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
101  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.scan_num */
102  /* OUTPUT: None */
103  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
104  /* */
105  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
106  /* THEN */
107  /* set msg to "The Scan number could not be written to the L1A granule" */
108  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
109  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Scan number could not be written to*/
110  /* the L1A granule */
111  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
112  /* OUTPUT: None */
113  /* RETURN: None */
114  /* ENDIF */
115  /* */
116  /******************************************************************************/
118  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SCAN_NUMBER ,NULL, start, dimsize_1,
119  &scan_meta->scan_num) == MFAIL)
120  {
121  sprintf(msg,"The Scan number could not be written to the L1A granule %s ",
122  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
123  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
125  }
128  /******************************************************************************/
129  /* */
130  /* Compute dimsize array for the Frame count array */
131  /* Compute the start for the Frame count array */
132  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Frame count array to the L1A granule */
133  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01FRAME_COUNT_ARRAY, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
134  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.frame_count_array */
135  /* OUTPUT: None */
136  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
137  /* */
138  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
139  /* THEN */
140  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
141  /* set msg to "The Frame count array could not be written to the L1A */
142  /* granule" */
143  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
144  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Frame count array could not be */
145  /* written to the L1A granule */
146  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
147  /* OUTPUT: None */
148  /* RETURN: None */
149  /* ENDIF */
150  /* */
151  /******************************************************************************/
153  dimsize[1] = 6;
155  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01FRAME_COUNT_ARRAY, NULL, start, dimsize,
156  scan_meta->frame_count_array) == MFAIL)
157  {
158  sprintf(msg,"The Frame count array could not be written to the L1A granule: %s ",
159  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
160  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
162  }
165  /******************************************************************************/
166  /* */
167  /* Compute dimsize array for the Scan Type */
168  /* Compute the start for the Scan Type */
169  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Scan Type to the L1A granule */
170  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SCAN_TYPE, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
171  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.scan_type */
172  /* OUTPUT: None */
173  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
174  /* */
175  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
176  /* THEN */
177  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
178  /* set msg to "The Scan Type could not be written to the L1A granule" */
179  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
180  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Scan Type could not be written to */
181  /* the L1A granule */
182  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
183  /* OUTPUT: None */
184  /* RETURN: None */
185  /* ENDIF */
186  /* */
187  /******************************************************************************/
189  dimsize[1] = 10;
191  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SCAN_TYPE, NULL, start, dimsize,
192  scan_meta->scan_type) == MFAIL)
193  {
194  sprintf(msg,"The Scan Type could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
195  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
196  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
198  }
201  /******************************************************************************/
202  /* */
203  /* Compute dimsize array for the SD start time */
204  /* Compute the start for the SD start time */
205  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the SD start time to the L1A granule */
206  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SD_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
207  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.sd_start_time */
208  /* OUTPUT: None */
209  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
210  /* */
211  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
212  /* THEN */
213  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
214  /* set msg to "The SD start time could not be written to the L1A granule" */
215  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
216  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the SD start time could not be */
217  /* written to the L1A granule */
218  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
219  /* OUTPUT: None */
220  /* RETURN: None */
221  /* ENDIF */
222  /* */
223  /******************************************************************************/
225  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SD_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
226  &scan_meta->sd_start_time) == MFAIL)
227  {
228  sprintf(msg,"The SD start time could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
229  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
230  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
232  }
235  /******************************************************************************/
236  /* */
237  /* Compute dimsize array for the SRCA start time */
238  /* Compute the start for the SRCA start time */
239  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the SRCA start time to the L1A granule */
240  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SRCA_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
241  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.srca_start_time */
242  /* OUTPUT: None */
243  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
244  /* */
245  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
246  /* THEN */
247  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
248  /* set msg to "The SRCA start time could not be written to the L1A */
249  /* granule" */
250  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
251  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the SRCA start time could not be */
252  /* written to the L1A granule */
253  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
254  /* OUTPUT: None */
255  /* RETURN: None */
256  /* ENDIF */
257  /* */
258  /******************************************************************************/
260  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SRCA_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
261  &scan_meta->srca_start_time) == MFAIL)
262  {
263  sprintf(msg,"The SRCA start time could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
264  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
265  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
267  }
270  /******************************************************************************/
271  /* */
272  /* Compute dimsize array for the BB start time */
273  /* Compute the start for the BB start time */
274  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the BB start time to the L1A granule */
275  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01BB_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
276  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.bb_start_time */
277  /* OUTPUT: None */
278  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
279  /* */
280  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
281  /* THEN */
282  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
283  /* set msg to "The BB start time could not be written to the L1A granule" */
284  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
285  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the BB start time could not be */
286  /* written to the L1A granule */
287  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
288  /* OUTPUT: None */
289  /* RETURN: None */
290  /* ENDIF */
291  /* */
292  /******************************************************************************/
294  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01BB_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
295  &scan_meta->bb_start_time) == MFAIL)
296  {
297  sprintf(msg,"The BB start time could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
298  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
299  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
301  }
304  /******************************************************************************/
305  /* */
306  /* Compute dimsize array for the SV start time */
307  /* Compute the start for the SV start time */
308  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the SV start time to the L1A granule */
309  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SV_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
310  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.sv_start_time */
311  /* OUTPUT: None */
312  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
313  /* */
314  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
315  /* THEN */
316  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
317  /* set msg to "The SV start time could not be written to the L1A granule" */
318  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
319  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the SV start time could not be */
320  /* written to the L1A granule */
321  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
322  /* OUTPUT: None */
323  /* RETURN: None */
324  /* ENDIF */
325  /* */
326  /******************************************************************************/
328  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SV_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
329  &scan_meta->sv_start_time) == MFAIL)
330  {
331  sprintf(msg,"The SV start time could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
332  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
333  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
335  }
338  /******************************************************************************/
339  /* */
340  /* Compute dimsize array for the EV start time */
341  /* Compute the start for the EV start time */
342  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the EV start time to the L1A granule */
343  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01EV_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
344  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.ev_start_time */
345  /* OUTPUT: None */
346  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
347  /* */
348  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
349  /* THEN */
350  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
351  /* set msg to "The EV start time could not be written to the L1A granule" */
352  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
353  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the EV start time could not be */
354  /* written to the L1A granule */
355  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
356  /* OUTPUT: None */
357  /* RETURN: None */
358  /* ENDIF */
359  /* */
360  /******************************************************************************/
362  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01EV_START_TIME, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
363  &scan_meta->ev_start_time) == MFAIL)
364  {
365  sprintf(msg,"The EV start time could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
366  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
367  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
369  }
372  /******************************************************************************/
373  /* */
374  /* Compute dimsize array for the SRCA calibration mode */
375  /* Compute the start for the SRCA calibration mode */
376  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the SRCA calibration mode to the L1A granule */
377  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SRCA_CALIBRATION_MODE, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
378  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.srca_cal_mode */
379  /* OUTPUT: None */
380  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
381  /* */
382  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
383  /* THEN */
384  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
385  /* set msg to "The SRCA calibration mode could not be written to the L1A */
386  /* granule" */
387  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
388  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the SRCA calibration mode could not be */
389  /* written to the L1A granule */
390  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
391  /* OUTPUT: None */
392  /* RETURN: None */
393  /* ENDIF */
394  /* */
395  /******************************************************************************/
397  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SRCA_CALIBRATION_MODE, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
398  &scan_meta->srca_cal_mode) == MFAIL)
399  {
400  sprintf(msg,"The SRCA calibration mode could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
401  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
402  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
404  }
407  /******************************************************************************/
408  /* */
409  /* Compute dimsize array for the Packet scan count */
410  /* Compute the start for the Packet scan count */
411  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Packet scan count to the L1A granule */
412  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01PACKET_SCAN_COUNT, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
413  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.packet_scan_count */
414  /* OUTPUT: None */
415  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
416  /* */
417  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
418  /* THEN */
419  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
420  /* set msg to "The Packet scan count could not be written to the L1A */
421  /* granule" */
422  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
423  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Packet scan count could not be */
424  /* written to the L1A granule */
425  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
426  /* OUTPUT: None */
427  /* RETURN: None */
428  /* ENDIF */
429  /* */
430  /******************************************************************************/
432  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01PACKET_SCAN_COUNT, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
433  &scan_meta->packet_scan_count) == MFAIL)
434  {
435  sprintf(msg,"The Packet scan count could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
436  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
437  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
439  }
442  /******************************************************************************/
443  /* */
444  /* Compute dimsize array for the CCSDS Application Identifiers */
445  /* Compute the start for the CCSDS Application Identifiers */
446  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the CCSDS Application Identifiers to the */
447  /* L1A granule */
448  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01CCSDS_APID, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
449  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.ccsds_apids */
450  /* OUTPUT: None */
451  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
452  /* */
453  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
454  /* THEN */
455  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
456  /* set msg to "The CCSDS Application Identifiers could not be written to */
457  /* the L1A granule" */
458  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
459  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the CCSDS Application Identifiers could*/
460  /* not be written to the L1A granule */
461  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
462  /* OUTPUT: None */
463  /* RETURN: None */
464  /* ENDIF */
465  /* */
466  /******************************************************************************/
468  dimsize[1] = 3;
470  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01CCSDS_APID, NULL, start, dimsize,
471  scan_meta->ccsds_apids) == MFAIL)
472  {
473  sprintf(msg,"The CCSDS Application Identifiers could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
474  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
475  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
477  }
480  /******************************************************************************/
481  /* */
482  /* Compute dimsize array for the Packet expedited data flag */
483  /* Compute the start for the Packet expedited data flag */
484  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Packet expedited data flag to the L1A */
485  /* granule */
486  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01PACKET_QL, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
487  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.packet_expedited_data_flag */
488  /* OUTPUT: None */
489  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
490  /* */
491  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
492  /* THEN */
493  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
494  /* set msg to "The Packet expedited data flag could not be written to the */
495  /* L1A granule" */
496  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
497  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Packet expedited data flag could */
498  /* not be written to the L1A granule */
499  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
500  /* OUTPUT: None */
501  /* RETURN: None */
502  /* ENDIF */
503  /* */
504  /******************************************************************************/
506  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01PACKET_QL, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
507  &scan_meta->packet_expedited_data_flag) == MFAIL)
508  {
509  sprintf(msg,"The Packet expedited data flag could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
510  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
511  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
513  }
516  /******************************************************************************/
517  /* */
518  /* Compute dimsize array for the Mirror side */
519  /* Compute the start for the Mirror side */
520  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Mirror side to the L1A granule */
521  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01MIRROR_SIDE, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
522  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.mirror_side */
523  /* OUTPUT: None */
524  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
525  /* */
526  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
527  /* THEN */
528  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
529  /* set msg to "The Mirror side could not be written to the L1A granule" */
530  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
531  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Mirror side could not be */
532  /* written to the L1A granule */
533  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
534  /* OUTPUT: None */
535  /* RETURN: None */
536  /* ENDIF */
537  /* */
538  /******************************************************************************/
540  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01MIRROR_SIDE, NULL, start, dimsize_1,
541  &scan_meta->mirror_side) == MFAIL)
542  {
543  sprintf(msg,"The Mirror side could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
544  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
545  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
547  }
550  /******************************************************************************/
551  /* */
552  /* Compute dimsize array for the Scan quality array */
553  /* Compute the start for the Scan quality array */
554  /* CALL putMODISarray to write the Scan quality array to the L1A granule */
555  /* INPUTS: MODFILE, M01SCAN_QUALITY_ARRAY, NULL, start, dimsize array, */
556  /* MD_SCAN_MET_t.scan_qual_array */
557  /* OUTPUT: None */
558  /* RETURN: mapiStatus */
559  /* */
560  /* IF mapiStatus equals MFAIL */
561  /* THEN */
562  /* set routine to "write_scan_metadata" */
563  /* set msg to "The Scan quality array could not be written to the L1A */
564  /* granule" */
565  /* set returnStatus to MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR */
566  /* CALL log_fmt_msg to report that the Scan quality array could not be */
567  /* written to the L1A granule */
568  /* INPUTS: returnStatus, routine, msg */
569  /* OUTPUT: None */
570  /* RETURN: None */
571  /* ENDIF */
572  /* */
573  /******************************************************************************/
575  dimsize[1] = 4;
577  if (putMODISarray(L1A_file_ptr, M01SCAN_QUALITY_ARRAY, NULL, start, dimsize,
578  scan_meta->scan_qual_array) == MFAIL)
579  {
580  sprintf(msg,"The Scan quality array could not be written to the L1A granule %s",
581  L1A_file_ptr->filename);
582  returnStatus = MODIS_E_ARRAY_OUTPUT_ERR;
584  }
587  /******************************************************************************/
588  /* */
589  /* RETURN returnStatus */
590  /* */
591  /******************************************************************************/
593  return (returnStatus);
595 }
PGSt_SMF_status write_scan_metadata(MODFILE *L1A_file_ptr, MD_SCAN_MET_t *scan_meta)
int16 srca_cal_mode
Definition: MD_metadata.h:226
int16 packet_expedited_data_flag
Definition: MD_metadata.h:229
#define NULL
Definition: decode_rs.h:63
float64 bb_start_time
Definition: MD_metadata.h:223
void log_fmt_msg(PGSt_SMF_status code, const char *routine, const char *msg_fmt,...)
Definition: log_fmt_msg.c:6
int16 mirror_side
Definition: MD_metadata.h:230
float64 sv_start_time
Definition: MD_metadata.h:224
int32 scan_qual_array[4]
Definition: MD_metadata.h:231
float64 ev_start_time
Definition: MD_metadata.h:225
int16 frame_count_array[6]
Definition: MD_metadata.h:219
float64 sd_start_time
Definition: MD_metadata.h:221
float64 srca_start_time
Definition: MD_metadata.h:222
string msg
Definition: mapgen.py:227
int16 ccsds_apids[3]
Definition: MD_metadata.h:228
int16 packet_scan_count
Definition: MD_metadata.h:227
char scan_type[10]
Definition: MD_metadata.h:220