Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine watlev
2 c
3 c compute the water leaving radiance
4 c
5 c**********************************************************************
6 c
7 c include the common blocks
8 c
9  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
10  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
11 c
12 c**********************************************************************
13 c compute the downward diffused flux
14  call fluxlvl(fio,fzz,0)
15 c write(*,*)'downward flux above ocean surface',fzz
16  sum = 0.0d0
17  sumtt=0.0d0
18  sumd=0.0d0
19  sumu=0.0d0
20  do j = 1,(nx-1)
21  psum = 0.0
22  do k = 1,2
23  psum=(fio(k,j,1)+fio(k,j,jpart))+psum
24  do i=2,nophi/2
25  psum=psum+2.*fio(k,j,i)
26  enddo
27  enddo
28  sum=sum+psum*dcmusq(j)*(1.0d0-rfair(j))*ddphi
29  enddo
30  sumtt=(eo(1)+eo(2))*cosmu(kkx)*(1.0d0-rfair(kkx))
31  sumd=sum+sumtt
32 c compute the upwelling flux and radiance just below the
33 c ocean surface
34  sumu=alw*sumd
35  radu=sumu/pi
36  albtdr(ksza)=sumtt
37  albtdf(ksza)=sum
38  albtdt(ksza)=sumd
39  albtrf(ksza)=sumu
40 c write(*,150)sum,sumd,alw,sumu,radu
41 150 format('sum,sumd,alw,sumu,radu'/1p5e11.3)
42 c compute the radiance just above the ocean surface
43  do i=1,(nx-1)
44  ii=nmum1-i+1
45  do j=1,jpart
46  radxi(ii,j)=((1.0d0-rfwat(i))*radu)/(xrw**2+xiw*2)
47  radxi(i,j)=0.0d0
48  enddo
49 c write(*,175)i,ii,radxi(ii,1)
50 175 format('radiance just above the surface',2i4,1x,1pe11.3)
51  enddo
52 c
53  return
54  end
55 c**********************************************************************
subroutine fluxlvl(buft, sumg, iflag)
Definition: fluxlvl.f:2
#define pi
Definition: vincenty.c:23
subroutine watlev
Definition: watlev.f:2
Definition: RsViirs.h:71