Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine summry
2 c
3 c subroutine summry prints out summry of the input parameters
4 c***********************************************************************
5 c.....include the common and declaration statemnets.....................
6  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
7  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
8 c***********************************************************************
9 c print summry of the input parameters
10 c write(6,350)
11 c ixz = dtheta
12 c write(6,352) ixz,lphi,deltau,qt,qs,wvlth,rmuo,amuo
13 c write(6,351)tr,tm,ta,tautot,press
14 c if(ipsudo.eq.0)write(6,354)
15 c if(ipsudo.eq.1)write(6,355)
16 c if(ipol.eq.1) then
17 c write(6,357)ipol
18 c write(6,358)rho
19 c endif
20 c if(iref.eq.0) write(6,353) refl
21 c*****format statements*************************************************
22 350 format(10x, 'radiative transfer computation (input summry)')
23 351 format(/ t10,'rayleigh optical thickness',t45,'=',1pe15.5/
24  1 t10,'aerosol optical thickness',t45,'=',1pe15.5/
25  2 t10,'ozone optical thickness',t45,'=',1pe15.5/
26  3 t10,'total optical thickness',t45,'=',1pe15.5/
27  4 t10,'surface pressure',t45,'=',1pe15.5/)
28 352 format(// t10,'polar angle increment', t45,'=',10x,i5,' deg.'/
29  1 t10,'azimuth angle increment',t45,'=',10x,i5,' deg.'/
30  2 t10,'delta tau',t45,'=',1pe15.5 /
31  3 t10,'mie vol. ext. coeff.',t45,'=',1pe15.5,' cm-1'/
32  4 t10,'mie vol. sct. coeff.',t45,'=',1pe15.5,' cm-1'/
33  5 t10,'wavelenth',t45,'=',1pe15.5,' u' /
34  6 t10,'solar zenith angle',t45,'=',1pe15.5,' deg.' /
35  7 t10,'mu zero',t45,'=',1pe15.5 / )
36 353 format(t10, 'lambert reflection at the lower boundary' /
37  1 t10, 'surface reflectivity ',t45, '=',1pe15.5 /)
38 354 format(t10,'model atmosphere',t45,'=',t48,'plane parallel')
39 355 format(t10,'model atmosphere',t45,'=',t48,'pseudo spherical')
40 357 format(t10,'mol. depol. flag: ipol',t45,'=',i5)
41 358 format(t10,'molecular depolarization factor',t45,1pe15.5)
42 c***********************************************************************
43  return
44  end
45 c***********************************************************************
subroutine summry
Definition: summry.f:2