Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  Function: main (MSl2brsgen)
4  Returns: int32 (status)
5  Returns a status code of 0 when successful. Otherwise returns
6  -1 - to indicate get_l2_open/close error
7  -2 - to indicate get_l2_record error
8  -3 - to indicate insufficient memory error
10  Description:
11  The function MSl2brsgen calls level-2 data read routines to access
12  chlorophil data from the level 2 file. After subsampling the data
13  calls level-2 browse data write routine to ouput the level-2 browse
14  product.
16  Arguments: (in calling order)
17  Type Name I/O Description
18  ---- ---- --- -----------
19  char * l2_path I directory path and filename for the
20  level-2 product
21  char * l2brs_path I directory path and filename for the
22  level-2 browse product
23  char * xsub I Pixel subsampling rate
24  char * ysub I Scan subsampling rate
25  char * browse_prod I Browse product name
26  char * rflag I Replacement Flag
28  Notes:
30  Modification history:
31  Programmer Organization Date Description of change
32  -------------- ------------ -------- ---------------------
33  Norman Kuring GSFC (902.3) Original development
34  Lakshmi Kumar Hughes STX 07/14/94 Modified according I/O
35  specs.
36  Lakshmi Kumar Hughes STX 12/10/94 Removed l2_scale and l2_
37  offset fr get_l2_open call
38  (see I/O specs. v4.1)
39  Lakshmi Kumar HITC 05/18/95 Added Tilt and Navigation
40  Vgroups and nav datasets
41  Lakshmi Kumar Hughes STX 07/25/95 Added code to subsample
42  l2_flags and pass it to
43  put_l2brs routine
44  Lakshmi Kumar Hughes STX 11/01/95 Added output arguments
45  "orbit" & "mskflg" to
46  get_l2_open call
47  Added input arguments
48  flag_names & mskflg to
49  put_l2brs call
50  Lakshmi Kumar Hughes STX 01/11/96 Missing data pixels are
51  marked by setting its
52  value = -9E6 .
53  Lat/Lon for pixels with
54  nav_flag set are reset to
55  NAVERR_VAL = -999.0
56  Norman Kuring GSFC (902) 02/10/98 nav_flag no longer affects
57  outline coordinates.
58  Robert Lindsay SAIC GSC 08/17/00 modified to exit if file
59  file has no chlor_a SDS
61  Joel Gales Futuretech 03/01/01 Added support for other
62  sensors
64  Joel Gales Futuretech 09/05/06 Added support for sst
65  qual check
67  Joel Gales Futuretech 09/20/06 Added support for sst4
68  qual check
70  Joel Gales SAIC 04/22/21 Added support for
71  multiple bands per pixel
72 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
74 #include "l2brsgen.h"
76 #include <unistd.h>
77 #include <strings.h>
79 #include <timeutils.h>
80 #include <genutils.h>
81 #include <get_product_table.h>
83 // the real bad lat lon value is -999, but we don't want to do an exact check on
84 // a float, so value bigger than -900 is a good check
85 #define BAD_LAT_LON -900.0
87 char ERR_MSG[1024];
89 static float initialLonVal = -180.0;
91 /* this function is used when comparing lons to see if the lon is. The lons
92  * are rotated such that the first lon in the range is zero then normalized
93  * from 0 to 360 */
94 static float normalizeLon(float lon) {
95  lon -= initialLonVal;
96  while (lon < 0.0)
97  lon += 360.0;
98  while (lon >= 360.0)
99  lon -= 360.0;
100  return lon;
101 }
108 static void setMaxLon(float *max, float val) {
109  if (val > BAD_LAT_LON) {
110  if (normalizeLon(val) > normalizeLon(*max))
111  *max = val;
112  }
113 }
120 static void setMinLon(float *min, float val) {
121  if (val > BAD_LAT_LON) {
122  if (normalizeLon(val) < normalizeLon(*min))
123  *min = val;
124  }
125 }
132 static void setMaxLat(float *max, float val) {
133  if (val > BAD_LAT_LON) {
134  if (val > *max)
135  *max = val;
136  }
137 }
144 static void setMinLat(float *min, float val) {
145  if (val > BAD_LAT_LON) {
146  if (val < *min)
147  *min = val;
148  }
149 }
156 static void setGoodLL(float *good, float val) {
157  if (val > BAD_LAT_LON) {
158  *good = val;
159  }
160 }
162 int main(int32 argc, char *argv[]) {
163  int status;
164  char l2_path[FILENAME_MAX];
165  char ofile[FILENAME_MAX];
166  short syear, sday, eyear, eday;
167  int smsec, emsec;
168  char dtype[8], *flag_names = NULL;
169  int nrec, nsamp;
170  int32_t brs_nrec, brs_nsamp;
171  int32_t brs_crec;
172  int32_t max_rec_used, max_samp_used;
173  int ntilts;
174  short *tilt_ranges;
176  static meta_l2Type meta_l2;
177  int i;
178  int32 *l2brs_flags, *flags;
179  float32 *pix, *qual_pix;
180  int rec, samp, brs_rec, brs_samp;
181  int start_samp, start_rec, xsub = 2, ysub = 2, qual = 999;
182  int end_samp, end_rec;
183  int center_samp;
184  int spixl, epixl, sline, eline;
185  float32 *l2brs_data, *data;
186  float *px_ll_first, *px_ll_last, *sc_ll_first, *sc_ll_last;
187  float *top, *bottom, *left, *right;
188  int16 *lat, *lon;
189  char infiles[MAXVAL], *sp;
190  char proc_con[4096];
191  char replaces[MAXVAL], ptime[17];
192  int32 apply_pal = 0;
193  char palfile[MAXVAL];
194  char palette_dir[FILENAME_MAX];
195  char product_table[FILENAME_MAX];
196  const char* oformat;
197  int firstLoop;
199  int16 *brs_lat = NULL, *brs_lon = NULL;
200  char *flaguse, *chl_flags, *sst_flags;
202  const float MISSING_DATAFLAG = -9.1E6;
203  char browse_prod[128] = "chlor_a";
204  char qual_prod1[128] = "qual_sst";
205  char qual_prod2[128] = "qual_sst4";
206  unsigned char palette[256 * 3];
207  short r[256], g[256], b[256];
209  static l2_prod l2_str;
210  int32 prod_index;
211  int32 qual_index;
213  char* timePtr;
215  product_table_t *ptable = NULL;
216  int32_t ptable_size = 0;
217  int32_t ptable_index = -1;
218  product_table_t *ptable_rec;
219  product_table_t tmp_ptable;
223  /* hold all of the command line options */
228  /* make it print help if no options supplied */
229  if (argc == 1) {
231  exit(1);
232  }
234  /* make it print version if -version or --version */
235  if (strcmp(argv[1], "-version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) {
237  exit(1);
238  }
240  if (l2brsgen_read_options(list, argc, argv, &l2_str, &meta_l2) != 0) {
242  exit(1);
243  }
245  proc_con[0] = 0;
246  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
247  strcat(proc_con, argv[i]);
248  strcat(proc_con, " ");
249  }
251  parse_file_name(clo_getString(list, "ifile"), l2_path);
253  strcpy(browse_prod, clo_getString(list, "prod"));
254  qual = clo_getInt(list, "quality");
255  strcpy(replaces, clo_getString(list, "rflag"));
256  spixl = clo_getInt(list, "spixl");
257  epixl = clo_getInt(list, "epixl");
258  xsub = clo_getInt(list, "dpixl");
259  sline = clo_getInt(list, "sline");
260  eline = clo_getInt(list, "eline");
261  ysub = clo_getInt(list, "dline");
262  apply_pal = clo_getBool(list, "apply_pal");
263  if (clo_isSet(list, "palfile")) {
264  apply_pal = 1;
265  }
266  strcpy(palfile, clo_getString(list, "palfile"));
267  parse_file_name(clo_getString(list, "palette_dir"), palette_dir);
268  parse_file_name(clo_getString(list, "product_table"), product_table);
270  /* Read product table */
271  ptable = get_product_table(product_table, &ptable_size);
272  if (ptable == NULL) {
273  fprintf(stderr, "l2brsgen - error reading product table \"%s\"\n", product_table);
274  exit(1);
275  }
277  ptable_index = search_product_table(ptable, ptable_size, browse_prod);
278  if (ptable_index == -1) {
279  if (clo_isSet(list, "datamin") &&
280  clo_isSet(list, "datamax") &&
281  clo_isSet(list, "stype")) {
282  tmp_ptable.description = strdup(browse_prod);
283  tmp_ptable.min = clo_getFloat(list, "datamin");
284  tmp_ptable.max = clo_getFloat(list, "datamax");
285  tmp_ptable.name = strdup(browse_prod);
286  tmp_ptable.palette = strdup(palfile);
287  tmp_ptable.precision = strdup("F");
288  if (clo_getInt(list, "stype") == 2)
289  tmp_ptable.scaling = strdup("logarithmic");
290  else
291  tmp_ptable.scaling = strdup("linear");
293  tmp_ptable.units = strdup("unknown");
294  ptable_rec = &tmp_ptable;
295  } else {
296  fprintf(stderr, "l2brsgen - error finding \"%s\" in product table \"%s\" and datamin, datamax, stype not set.\n",
297  browse_prod, product_table);
298  exit(1);
299  }
300  } else {
301  ptable_rec = ptable + ptable_index;
302  }
304  /* over ride values in the product table */
305  if (strcasecmp(palfile, "default") != 0) {
306  free(ptable_rec->palette);
307  ptable_rec->palette = strdup(palfile);
308  }
309  if (clo_isSet(list, "datamin"))
310  ptable_rec->min = clo_getFloat(list, "datamin");
312  if (clo_isSet(list, "datamax"))
313  ptable_rec->max = clo_getFloat(list, "datamax");
315  if (clo_isSet(list, "stype")) {
316  free(ptable_rec->scaling);
317  if (clo_getInt(list, "stype") == 2)
318  ptable_rec->scaling = strdup("logarithmic");
319  else
320  ptable_rec->scaling = strdup("linear");
321  }
323  flaguse = NULL;
324  if (clo_isSet(list, "flaguse")) {
325  flaguse = clo_getRawString(list, "flaguse");
326  }
327  chl_flags = clo_getRawString(list, "chl_flags");
328  sst_flags = clo_getRawString(list, "sst_flags");
330  oformat = getFileFormatName(clo_getString(list, "oformat"));
332  /* print out some useful information */
333  if (clo_isSet(list, "par")) {
334  fprintf(stderr, "par=%s\n", clo_getString(list, "par"));
335  }
336  fprintf(stderr, "ifile=%s\n", l2_path);
337  fprintf(stderr, "ofile=%s\n", ofile);
338  fprintf(stderr, "prod=%s\n", browse_prod);
339  fprintf(stderr, "oformat=%s\n", oformat);
341  /* Read palette file */
342  strcpy(palfile, palette_dir);
343  strcat(palfile, "/");
344  strcat(palfile, ptable_rec->palette);
345  strcat(palfile, ".pal");
347  if (getlut_file(palfile, r, g, b)) {
348  fprintf(stderr, "l2brsgen: Error reading palette file %s\n", palfile);
349  exit(1);
350  }
351  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
352  palette[i * 3] = r[i];
353  palette[i * 3 + 1] = g[i];
354  palette[i * 3 + 2] = b[i];
355  }
357  // already opened by l2brsgen_read_options
358  //status = openL2(l2_path, 0x0, &l2_str);
360  syear = l2_str.syear;
361  sday = l2_str.sday;
362  smsec = l2_str.smsec;
363  eyear = l2_str.eyear;
364  eday = l2_str.eday;
365  emsec = l2_str.emsec;
366  nrec = l2_str.nrec;
367  nsamp = l2_str.nsamp;
369  flag_names = (char *) calloc(strlen(l2_str.flagnames) + 1, sizeof (char));
370  strcpy(flag_names, l2_str.flagnames);
372  ntilts = l2_str.ntilts;
373  tilt_ranges = (short *) calloc(20 * 2, sizeof (short));
374  for (i = 0; i < ntilts; i++) {
375  tilt_ranges[2 * i] = l2_str.tilt_ranges[0][i];
376  tilt_ranges[2 * i + 1] = l2_str.tilt_ranges[1][i];
377  }
379  strcpy(dtype, l2_str.dtype);
381  // already loaded by l2brsgen_read_options
382  //status = readL2meta(&meta_l2, 0);
384  /* Get the current time and represent it in the format yyyydddhhmmssfff */
385  get_time(ptime);
387  /* Set starting (X,Y) position of browse data */
388  start_samp = spixl - 1;
389  if (start_samp < 0)
390  start_samp = 0;
391  end_samp = epixl - 1;
392  if (end_samp < 0)
393  end_samp = nsamp - 1;
394  if (start_samp >= end_samp) {
395  fprintf(stderr, "l2brsgen: spixel (%d) needs to be less than epixl (%d)",
396  start_samp + 1, end_samp + 1);
397  fprintf(stderr, " cntl_pt_cols ");
398  exit(1);
399  }
401  start_rec = sline - 1;
402  if (start_rec < 0)
403  start_rec = 0;
404  end_rec = eline - 1;
405  if (end_rec < 0)
406  end_rec = nrec - 1;
407  if (start_rec >= end_rec) {
408  fprintf(stderr, "l2brsgen: sline (%d) needs to be less than eline (%d)",
409  start_rec + 1, end_rec + 1);
410  fprintf(stderr, " cntl_pt_cols ");
411  exit(1);
412  }
414  /* Compute browse image dimensions */
415  brs_nrec = (end_rec - start_rec) / ysub + 1;
416  brs_nsamp = (end_samp - start_samp) / xsub + 1;
418  /* Compute the maximum record and sample numbers used to make the subsampled
419  browse output. */
420  max_rec_used = (brs_nrec - 1) * ysub + start_rec;
421  max_samp_used = (brs_nsamp - 1) * xsub + start_samp;
423  /* compute the center coodinates */
424  brs_crec = brs_nrec / 2;
425  center_samp = ((max_samp_used - start_samp) / 2) + start_samp;
427  if ((brs_lat = (int16 *) calloc(brs_nrec * brs_nsamp, sizeof (int16))) == NULL) {
428  fprintf(stderr, "\nl2brsgen: Calloc error while allocating memory for");
429  fprintf(stderr, " brs_lat ");
430  exit(MEMERR);
431  }
432  lat = brs_lat;
434  if ((brs_lon = (int16 *) calloc(brs_nrec * brs_nsamp, sizeof (int16))) == NULL) {
435  fprintf(stderr, "\nl2brsgen: Calloc error while allocating memory for");
436  fprintf(stderr, " brs_lon ");
437  exit(MEMERR);
438  }
439  lon = brs_lon;
441  /* Allocate memory for accumulation of output data. */
442  l2brs_data = (float32 *) malloc(brs_nrec * brs_nsamp * sizeof (float32));
443  if (l2brs_data == NULL) {
444  fprintf(stderr, "\nError: In allocating memory\n");
445  exit(MEMERR);
446  }
447  data = l2brs_data;
449  /* Allocate memory for accumulation of level2 flags */
450  l2brs_flags = (int32 *) malloc(brs_nrec * brs_nsamp * sizeof (int32));
451  if (l2brs_flags == NULL) {
452  fprintf(stderr, "\nError: In allocating memory\n");
453  exit(MEMERR);
454  }
455  flags = l2brs_flags;
457  /* Allocate memory for accumulation of output coordinates. */
458  px_ll_first = (float *) malloc(2 * brs_nsamp * sizeof (float));
459  px_ll_last = (float *) malloc(2 * brs_nsamp * sizeof (float));
460  sc_ll_first = (float *) malloc(2 * brs_nrec * sizeof (float));
461  sc_ll_last = (float *) malloc(2 * brs_nrec * sizeof (float));
462  if (!(px_ll_first && px_ll_last && sc_ll_first && sc_ll_last)) {
463  fprintf(stderr, "\nError: In allocating memory\n");
464  exit(MEMERR);
465  }
467  /* The following four names are somewhat arbitrary but intuitive. */
468  top = px_ll_first;
469  bottom = px_ll_last;
470  left = sc_ll_first;
471  right = sc_ll_last;
473  prod_index = findprod(&l2_str, browse_prod);
474  qual_index = findprod(&l2_str, qual_prod1);
475  if (qual_index == -1) {
476  qual_index = findprod(&l2_str, qual_prod2);
477  }
479  /* if no browse SDS in input file, quit and go home */
481  if (prod_index == -1) {
482  fprintf(stderr, "\n Error: Browse product (%s) not found in input file \n", browse_prod);
484  /* Close the level 2 input file. */
485  status = closeL2(&l2_str, 0);
487  /* Deallocate some memory */
488  free(l2brs_data);
489  free(px_ll_first);
490  free(px_ll_last);
491  free(sc_ll_first);
492  free(sc_ll_last);
493  free(l2brs_flags);
494  free(flag_names);
495  free(brs_lat);
496  free(brs_lon);
497  free(tilt_ranges);
499  status = freeL2meta(&meta_l2);
501  exit(MEMERR);
502  }
504  /* set the initial lon before the loop and before resetting westlon. Also
505  * nudge the init point to the west a little bit for roundoff error. */
506  setGoodLL(&initialLonVal, meta_l2.westlon);
508  firstLoop = 1;
510  /* Read the level 2 data into memory one line at a time
511  * skipping lines according to the line subsampling factor. */
512  rec = start_rec;
513  for (brs_rec = 0; brs_rec < brs_nrec; brs_rec++) {
515  status = readL2(&l2_str, 0, rec, -1, NULL);
516  pix = l2_str.l2_data[prod_index];
517  if (strncmp(browse_prod, "sst", 3) == 0 && qual_index != -1)
518  qual_pix = l2_str.l2_data[qual_index];
519  else
520  qual_pix = NULL;
522  samp = start_samp;
523  for (brs_samp = 0; brs_samp < brs_nsamp; brs_samp++) {
525  if (qual_pix && qual_pix[samp] > qual)
526  *data = MISSING_DATAFLAG;
527  else
528  *data = pix[samp];
530  *flags = l2_str.l2_flags[samp];
531  if (l2_str.latitude[samp] > BAD_LAT_LON)
532  *lat = (int16) roundf(l2_str.latitude[samp] * 360.0);
533  else
534  *lat = -32768;
535  if (l2_str.longitude[samp] > BAD_LAT_LON)
536  *lon = (int16) roundf(l2_str.longitude[samp] * 180.0);
537  else
538  *lon = -32768;
540  if (rec == start_rec) {
541  *top++ = l2_str.latitude[samp];
542  *top++ = l2_str.longitude[samp];
543  }
544  if (rec == max_rec_used) {
545  *bottom++ = l2_str.latitude[samp];
546  *bottom++ = l2_str.longitude[samp];
547  }
549  /* reset the lat and lon limits first time through */
550  if (firstLoop) {
551  firstLoop = 0;
552  meta_l2.northlat = l2_str.latitude[samp];
553  meta_l2.southlat = l2_str.latitude[samp];
554  meta_l2.westlon = l2_str.longitude[samp];
555  meta_l2.eastlon = l2_str.longitude[samp];
556  }
558  /* set the min and max lat and lon*/
559  setMaxLat(&meta_l2.northlat, l2_str.latitude[samp]);
560  setMinLat(&meta_l2.southlat, l2_str.latitude[samp]);
561  setMaxLon(&meta_l2.eastlon, l2_str.longitude[samp]);
562  setMinLon(&meta_l2.westlon, l2_str.longitude[samp]);
564  lat++;
565  lon++;
566  flags++;
567  data++;
568  samp += xsub;
569  } // for brs_samp
571  /* Save the ground coordinates of the two ends of this scan. */
572  *left++ = l2_str.latitude[start_samp];
573  *left++ = l2_str.longitude[start_samp];
574  *right++ = l2_str.latitude[max_samp_used];
575  *right++ = l2_str.longitude[max_samp_used];
577  /* start record */
578  if (brs_rec == 0) {
579  syear = l2_str.year;
580  sday = l2_str.day;
581  smsec = l2_str.msec;
583  // only change the metadata values if the lat lons are valid
584  setGoodLL(&meta_l2.startclat, l2_str.latitude[center_samp]);
585  setGoodLL(&meta_l2.startclon, l2_str.longitude[center_samp]);
586  }
588  /* center record */
589  if (brs_rec == brs_crec) {
590  meta_l2.ncrec = rec;
591  if (l2_str.year != -999 && l2_str.day != -999 && l2_str.msec != -999) {
592  timePtr = unix2ydhmsf(yds2unix(l2_str.year, l2_str.day, l2_str.msec / 1000.0), 'G');
593  if (meta_l2.ctime)
594  free(meta_l2.ctime);
595  meta_l2.ctime = strdup(timePtr);
596  }
597  // only change the metadata values if the lat lons are valid
599  // How do I get the solar zenith ??
600  // meta_l2.scsol_z = l2_str.
602  } // if center record
604  // store these for every line, that way the last valid value will
605  // be saved. Sometimes the last few lines are bad.
606  setGoodLL(&meta_l2.endclat, l2_str.latitude[center_samp]);
607  setGoodLL(&meta_l2.endclon, l2_str.longitude[center_samp]);
608  if (l2_str.year != -999 && l2_str.day != -999 && l2_str.msec != -999) {
609  eyear = l2_str.year;
610  eday = l2_str.day;
611  emsec = l2_str.msec;
612  }
614  rec += ysub;
615  } // for brs_rec
619  /* Write out a level 2 browse file */
621  sp = strrchr(l2_path, '/'); /* write product name without path*/
622  if (sp == NULL)
623  strcpy(infiles, l2_path);
624  else
625  strcpy(infiles, ++sp);
627  if (flaguse == NULL) {
628  if (strncmp(browse_prod, "chl", 3) == 0) {
629  flaguse = chl_flags;
630  } else if (strncmp(browse_prod, "sst", 3) == 0) {
631  flaguse = sst_flags;
632  }
633  }
635  status = put_l2brs(ofile, replaces, ptime, infiles, start_samp + 1, end_samp + 1, xsub,
636  brs_nsamp, start_rec + 1, end_rec + 1, ysub, brs_nrec, browse_prod, l2brs_data,
637  l2brs_flags, flag_names, flaguse, palette, px_ll_first, px_ll_last,
638  sc_ll_first, sc_ll_last, proc_con, syear, sday, smsec, eyear, eday,
639  emsec, dtype, nrec, nsamp, ntilts, &l2_str.tilt_flags[0],
640  tilt_ranges, brs_lat, brs_lon, &meta_l2, ptable_rec, oformat, apply_pal);
642  if (status < 0)
643  fprintf(stderr, "\n Error: put_l2brs unsuccessful\n");
645  /* Close the level 2 input file. */
646  status = closeL2(&l2_str, 0);
648  /* Deallocate some memory */
650  free(l2brs_data);
651  free(px_ll_first);
652  free(px_ll_last);
653  free(sc_ll_first);
654  free(sc_ll_last);
655  free(l2brs_flags);
656  free(flag_names);
657  free(brs_lat);
658  free(brs_lon);
659  free(tilt_ranges);
661  status = freeL2meta(&meta_l2);
663  return SUCCEED;
664 }
integer, parameter int16
Definition: cubeio.f90:3
int r
Definition: decode_rs.h:73
int16 eday
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:17
char * clo_getString(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *key)
Definition: clo.c:1357
int status
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:32
double yds2unix(int16_t year, int16_t day, double secs)
Definition: yds2unix.c:7
list(APPEND LIBS ${PGSTK_LIBRARIES}) add_executable(atteph_info_modis atteph_info_modis.c) target_link_libraries(atteph_info_modis $
Definition: CMakeLists.txt:7
int32_t search_product_table(product_table_t *table, int32_t num_entries, char *name)
These are used to scale the SD before writing it to the HDF4 file The default is and which means the product is not scaled at all Since the product is usually stored as a float inside of this is a way to write the float out as a integer l2prod min
int l2brsgen_read_options(clo_optionList_t *list, int argc, char *argv[], l2_prod *l2_str, meta_l2Type *meta_l2)
#define MAXVAL
Definition: l3stat.h:13
int16_t * qual
Definition: l2bin.cpp:86
#define NULL
Definition: decode_rs.h:63
char * unix2ydhmsf(double usec, char zone)
Definition: unix2ydhmsf.c:8
int clo_isSet(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *key)
Definition: clo.c:2270
float * lat
int16 eyear
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:17
int syear
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:15
int main(int32 argc, char *argv[])
int32_t freeL2meta(meta_l2Type *meta_l2)
Definition: readL2scan.c:2255
int32_t readL2(l2_prod *l2_str, int32_t ifile, int32_t recnum, int32_t iprod, unsigned char *scan_in_rowgroup)
Definition: readL2scan.c:1250
int32 smsec
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:16
int clo_getInt(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *key)
Definition: clo.c:1393
int32_t closeL2(l2_prod *l2_str, int32_t ifile)
Definition: readL2scan.c:1936
int sday
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:15
int32 put_l2brs(char *l2brs_path, char *replaces, char *ptime, char *infiles, int32 px_start, int32 px_end, int32 px_subsamp, int32 brs_nsamp, int32 sc_start, int32 sc_end, int32 sc_subsamp, int32 brs_nrec, char *l2brs_name, float32 *l2brs_data, int32 *l2brs_flags, char *flag_names, char *mskflg, unsigned char *palette, float32 *px_ll_first, float32 *px_ll_last, float32 *sc_ll_first, float32 *sc_ll_last, char *proc_con, int16 syear, int16 sday, int32 smsec, int16 eyear, int16 eday, int32 emsec, char *dtype, int32 nrec, int32 nsamp, int32 ntilts, short *tilt_flags, int16 *tilt_ranges, int16 *cntl_pt_lat, int16 *cntl_pt_lon, meta_l2Type *meta_l2, product_table_t *ptable_rec, const char *oformat, int32 apply_pal)
Definition: put_l2brs.c:137
int setlinebuf(FILE *stream)
product_table_t * get_product_table(char *file_name, int32_t *num_entries)
clo_optionList_t * clo_createList()
Definition: clo.c:532
void get_time(char *pr_time)
Definition: get_time.c:28
const char * getFileFormatName(const char *str)
char * strdup(const char *)
float clo_getFloat(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *key)
Definition: clo.c:1429
void clo_printUsage(clo_optionList_t *list)
Definition: clo.c:1988
char ERR_MSG[1024]
Definition: main_l2brsgen.c:87
int l2brsgen_init_options(clo_optionList_t *list)
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude data
Definition: HISTORY.txt:356
#define MEMERR
Definition: l2brsgen.h:23
void parse_file_name(const char *inpath, char *outpath)
data_t b[NROOTS+1]
Definition: decode_rs.h:77
int getlut_file(char *lut_file, short *rlut, short *glut, short *blut)
Definition: getlut_file.c:8
int32 emsec
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:18
Definition: DDAlgorithm.h:22
Definition: DDataset.hpp:31
char * flag_names[]
Definition: l2lists.h:46
void clo_setEnableExtraOptions(int val)
Definition: clo.c:429
#define BAD_LAT_LON
Definition: main_l2brsgen.c:85
float * lon
char * clo_getRawString(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *key)
Definition: clo.c:1339
int clo_getBool(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *key)
Definition: clo.c:1375
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
msiBandIdx val
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:34
How many dimensions is the output array Default is Not sure if anything above will work correctly strcpy(l2prod->title, "no title yet")
void clo_printVersion()
Definition: clo.c:1968
int32_t findprod(l2_prod *l2_str, char *prodname)
Definition: readL2scan.c:2071
l2prod max