Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine iniclz
2 c
3 c the subroutine iniclz defines the various variable limits
4 c used in the second part of the radiative transfer program
5 c
6 c***********************************************************************
7 c.....include the common blocks
8  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
9  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
10 c***********************************************************************
11 c
12 c write(6,*)'entering iniclz'
13  pi=dacos(-1.0d0)
14  conv=pi/180.0d0
15 c
16  dtau=deltau
17 c
18  nmu=2*nx-1
19  nmu2=2*nmu
20  nmum1=nmu-1
21  nmum12=2*nmum1
22  jjjj=nmum1/2
23  jjj=jjjj+1
24  nangl=nmum1/2
25  nangl1=nangl+1
26 c write(6,*)'nx,dtheta',nx,dtheta
27 c
28  nophi=360.0d0/dphi
29  anophi=nophi
30  lphi=dphi+0.001d0
31  ddphi=dphi*conv
32  noph2=nophi/2
33  jpart=noph2+1
34  nomat=jpart*32
35  nomatp=nomat+31
36  nommu=nomat*nmum1
37  jjpart=jpart+1
38  jpart2=jpart/2
39 c
40  nopas=0
41  jpass=1
42  nopass=npass1
43 c
44  nolyrp=nolyr+1
45  laym1=nolyr-1
46 c
47  do 949 i=1,nmum1
48  949 c(i)=1.
49  do 200 ij=1,nmum12
50  do 200 ik=1,4
51  pp(ij,ik)=0.0d0
52  qq(ij,ik)=0.0d0
53 200 continue
54  do 300 i=1,2
55  ei(i)=0.50d0
56  ei(i+2)=0.0d0
57  300 continue
58 c write(6,*)'qs,qt',qs,qt
59  const=wvlth**2/(4.0*pi**2*qs)
60  ratio=qt/qs
61  qsqt=qs/qt
62  conr=3.0d0/(8.0d0*pi)
63 c
64  calb=0.0d0
65  xrw=1.334d0
66  xiw=0.0d0
67 c
68 c write(6,*)'leaving iniclz'
69  return
70  end
71 c***********************************************************************
subroutine const(NGAUSS, NMAX, MMAX, P, X, W, AN, ANN, S, SS, NP, EPS)
Definition: ampld.lp.f:924
#define pi
Definition: vincenty.c:23
float ei(float x)
subroutine iniclz
Definition: iniclz.f:2