Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "hdf5.h"
3 #include "hdf5_hl.h"
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <string.h>
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <proj.h>
8 #include "goci.h"
10 #define NFIELDS (hsize_t) 28
11 #define NRECORDS (hsize_t) 128
12 #define NAV_GRP "HDFEOS/POINTS/Navigation for GOCI/Data"
13 #define TABLE_NAME "Navigation for GOCI"
15 /* quick number sorter for qsort */
16 static int numcomp(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
17  return *(char *) p1 - *(char *) p2;
18 }
20 int32_t goci_slot_init(hid_t file_id, hsize_t *dims, float *slot_rel_time,
21  unsigned char *slot_asg, int32_t *slot_nav_avail)
22 /*******************************************************************
24  goci_slot_init
26  purpose: set up tables to find the time for a pixel in a GOCI scene
28  Returns type: int - 0 if all is OK
30  Parameters: (in calling order)
31  Type Name I/O Description
32  ---- ---- --- -----------
33  hid_t file_id I ID of GOCI L1B file
34  int * dims I scene size in [ lines, pixels ]
35  float * slot_rel_time O table of relative time for the
36  unsigned char * slot_asg O size [# scene pixels, # scene
37  lines] esitmate of the slot
38  for each scene pixel
39  int32_t * slot_nav_avail O flag indicating if the slot
40  navigation is valid from this
41  L1B (a 1 if valid, 0 if not)
43  Modification history:
44  Programmer Date Description of change
45  ---------- ---- ---------------------
46  W. Robinson, SAIC 26 Nov 2014 original development
48  *******************************************************************/ {
49  slot_nav_str *slot_nav;
50  /*
51  * allocate storage for the table of slot nav info
52  * to be read from the data table: "Navigation for GOCI"
53  */
54  if ((slot_nav = (slot_nav_str *)
55  malloc(NRECORDS * sizeof ( slot_nav_str))) == NULL) {
56  printf("%s,%d-E Unable to allocate the slot navigation structure\n",
57  __FILE__, __LINE__);
58  return 1;
59  }
61  /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
62  size_t nav_size = sizeof ( slot_nav_str);
63  size_t nav_offset[NFIELDS] = {HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, band_num),
64  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, slot_num),
65  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, rel_time),
66  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, sc_att),
67  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, xo),
68  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, yo),
69  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, xs),
70  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, ys),
71  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, xpo),
72  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, ypo),
73  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, xps),
74  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, yps),
75  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_a_parm),
76  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, a_parm),
77  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_b_parm),
78  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, b_parm),
79  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_c_parm),
80  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, c_parm),
81  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_d_parm),
82  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, d_parm),
83  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_ap_parm),
84  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, ap_parm),
85  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_bp_parm),
86  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, bp_parm),
87  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_cp_parm),
88  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, cp_parm),
89  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, num_dp_parm),
90  HOFFSET(slot_nav_str, dp_parm)};
92  size_t nav_sizes[NFIELDS] = {sizeof ( slot_nav[0].band_num),
93  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].slot_num),
94  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].rel_time),
95  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].sc_att),
96  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].xo),
97  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].yo),
98  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].xs),
99  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].ys),
100  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].xpo),
101  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].ypo),
102  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].xps),
103  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].yps),
104  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_a_parm),
105  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].a_parm),
106  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_b_parm),
107  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].b_parm),
108  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_c_parm),
109  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].c_parm),
110  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_d_parm),
111  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].d_parm),
112  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_ap_parm),
113  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].ap_parm),
114  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_bp_parm),
115  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].bp_parm),
116  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_cp_parm),
117  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].cp_parm),
118  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].num_dp_parm),
119  sizeof ( slot_nav[0].dp_parm)};
120  /*
121  * goci slot navigation info end
122  */
124  hid_t grp_id;
125  int32_t npix, nlin, step, nsx, nsy, trg_bnd, ix, iy;
126  int32_t itile, ipix, ilin, lin_st, lin_en, pix_st, pix_en;
127  hsize_t nfields, nrecords, nbnd, nslot;
128  unsigned char *slot_asg_sml, *bnd_tile_lut, curtil;
129  unsigned char box_pts[4];
130  float minrad, crad;
131  float min_t, max_t, rel_t;
132  int32_t ibnd, ilut;
134  npix = dims[1];
135  nlin = dims[0];
136  nbnd = 8;
137  nslot = 16;
138  bnd_tile_lut = NULL;
140  /*
141  * set to the group
142  */
143  if ((grp_id = H5Gopen1(file_id, NAV_GRP)) < 0) {
144  printf("%s,%d:E Unable to open group: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, NAV_GRP);
145  return 1;
146  }
147  /*
148  * see if it has the fields, records expected
149  */
150  *slot_nav_avail = 0;
151  if (H5TBget_table_info(grp_id, TABLE_NAME, &nfields, &nrecords) < 0) {
152  printf("%s,%d:E Unable to get table info for: %s\n", __FILE__,
153  __LINE__, TABLE_NAME);
154  return 1;
155  }
156  printf("# fields: %d, # records: %d\n", (int) nfields, (int) nrecords);
157  if ((nfields != NFIELDS) || (nrecords != NRECORDS)) {
158  *slot_nav_avail = 0;
159  printf("%s,%d:W L1B GOCI input file\n does not have %d fields or %d records\n",
160  __FILE__, __LINE__, (int) NFIELDS, (int) NRECORDS);
161  } else {
162  *slot_nav_avail = 1;
163  /* read the table */
164  if (H5TBread_table(grp_id, TABLE_NAME, nav_size, nav_offset,
165  nav_sizes, slot_nav) < 0) {
166  printf("%s,%d:E Unable to read table info for: %s\n", __FILE__,
167  __LINE__, TABLE_NAME);
168  return 1;
169  }
171  if (*slot_nav_avail == 1) {
172  /*
173  * next, make a super-grid generally defining the slot assignment
174  */
175  printf("Begin GOCI slot assignment\n");
176  step = 18; /* reduces calls to goci_slot_nav in super and full grid
177  steps for a 5k x 5k scene */
178  trg_bnd = 7;
179  nsx = 2 + npix / step;
180  nsy = 2 + nlin / step;
181  if ((slot_asg_sml = (unsigned char *)
182  malloc(nsx * nsy * sizeof ( unsigned char))) == NULL) {
183  printf("%s,%d:E Unable to allocate space for slot_asg_sml array\n",
184  __FILE__, __LINE__);
185  return 1;
186  H5Gclose(grp_id);
187  }
188  if ((bnd_tile_lut = (unsigned char *)
189  malloc(nbnd * nslot * sizeof ( unsigned char))) == NULL) {
190  printf("%s,%d:E Unable to allocate space for bnd_tile_lut array\n",
191  __FILE__, __LINE__);
192  H5Gclose(grp_id);
193  return 1;
194  ;
195  }
196  *bnd_tile_lut = 254;
197  for (iy = 0; iy < nsy; iy++) {
198  ilin = iy * step;
199  for (ix = 0; ix < nsx; ix++) {
200  ipix = ix * step;
201  minrad = 200.;
202  for (itile = 0; itile < 16; itile++) {
203  goci_slot_nav(ipix, ilin, trg_bnd, itile, slot_nav, nbnd, nslot,
204  bnd_tile_lut, &crad);
205  if (crad < minrad) {
206  *(slot_asg_sml + ix + nsx * iy) = itile;
207  minrad = crad;
208  }
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  printf("GOCI supergrid made, starting full slot assignment\n");
213  /*
214  * fill the full size slot assignment array
215  */
216  for (iy = 0; iy < (nsy - 1); iy++) {
217  lin_st = iy * step;
218  lin_en = (iy + 1) * step;
219  if (lin_en > nlin) lin_en = nlin;
220  for (ix = 0; ix < (nsx - 1); ix++) {
221  pix_st = ix * step;
222  pix_en = (ix + 1) * step;
223  if (pix_en > npix) pix_en = npix;
224  /*
225  * if the supergrid box has all the same slot, assign that value
226  * to the pixel, line range
227  */
228  box_pts[0] = *(slot_asg_sml + ix + nsx * iy);
229  box_pts[1] = *(slot_asg_sml + (ix + 1) + nsx * iy);
230  box_pts[2] = *(slot_asg_sml + ix + nsx * (iy + 1));
231  box_pts[3] = *(slot_asg_sml + (ix + 1) + nsx * (iy + 1));
232  qsort(box_pts, 4, sizeof ( char), numcomp);
234  if (box_pts[0] == box_pts[3]) {
235  /*
236  * assign one tile type
237  */
238  for (ilin = lin_st; ilin < lin_en; ilin++)
239  for (ipix = pix_st; ipix < pix_en; ipix++)
240  *(slot_asg + ipix + npix * ilin) = box_pts[0];
241  } else {
242  /*
243  * step through each point and determine best slot
244  * using up to 4 candidate slots
245  */
246  for (ilin = lin_st; ilin < lin_en; ilin++) {
247  for (ipix = pix_st; ipix < pix_en; ipix++) {
248  minrad = 200.;
249  curtil = -1;
250  for (itile = 0; itile < 4; itile++) {
251  if (box_pts[itile] != curtil) {
252  curtil = box_pts[itile];
253  goci_slot_nav(ipix, ilin, trg_bnd, curtil, slot_nav,
254  nbnd, nslot, bnd_tile_lut, &crad);
255  if (crad < minrad) {
256  *(slot_asg + ipix + npix * ilin) = curtil;
257  minrad = crad;
258  }
259  }
260  }
261  }
262  }
263  }
264  /* for checkout, put in original supergrid point * 10 */
265  /*
266  *( slot_asg + pix_st + npix * lin_st ) =
267  *( slot_asg_sml + ix + nsx * iy ) * 10;
268  */
269  }
270  }
271  }
272  /*
273  * set up the time offsets per slot. As each band has a time offset, but
274  * we have no way to address individual bands, we'll use the mean of the
275  * band time range
276  */
277  /*
278  * loop thru slots and get each mean time from bands
279  */
280  for (itile = 0; itile < nslot; itile++) {
281  min_t = 5000.;
282  max_t = -5000.;
283  for (ibnd = 0; ibnd < nbnd; ibnd++) {
284  ilut = *(bnd_tile_lut + ibnd + nbnd * itile);
285  rel_t = slot_nav[ilut].rel_time;
286  if (rel_t > max_t) max_t = rel_t;
287  if (rel_t < min_t) min_t = rel_t;
288  }
289  slot_rel_time[itile] = (min_t + max_t) / 2.;
290  }
291  printf("GOCI slot, time assignments completed\n");
292  /* free space used and close the group */
293  free(slot_asg_sml);
294  free(bnd_tile_lut);
295  free(slot_nav);
296  }
297  H5Gclose(grp_id);
299  return 0;
300 }
302 int goci_slot_nav(int32_t ipix, int32_t ilin, int32_t bnd, int32_t itile,
303  slot_nav_str *slot_nav, int32_t nbnd, int32_t nslot,
304  unsigned char *bnd_tile_lut, float *lindist)
305 /*******************************************************************
307  goci_slot_nav
309  purpose: transform a goci scene point into the point on a specific tile
310  and return the largest linear normalized distance from the center
312  Returns type: int - 0 if all is OK
314  Parameters: (in calling order)
315  Type Name I/O Description
316  ---- ---- --- -----------
317  int32_t ipix I Pixel to transform
318  int32_t ilin I Line to transform
319  int32_t bnd I Band number
320  int32_t itile I Tile or slot number of GOCI
321  slot_nav_str *slot_nav I structure with transform
322  coefficients and normalization values
323  int32_t nbnd I number of bands
324  int32_t nslot I number of slots
325  unsigned char * bnd_tile_lut I/O storage for a look-up for
326  proper element in slot_nav
327  float * lindist O The largest normalized
328  linear distance from tile
329  center
331  Modification history:
332  Programmer Date Description of change
333  ---------- ---- ---------------------
334  W. Robinson, SAIC 1 Dec 2014 original development
335  W. Robinson, SAIC 22 May 2017 switch criteria for slot choice from
336  minimum distance from center to minimum
337  linear distance from center
339  *******************************************************************/ {
341  int32_t ilut, nlut;
342  int i, num_a_parm, num_b_parm, num_c_parm, num_d_parm;
343  float xo, yo, xs, ys, *a_parm, *b_parm, *c_parm, *d_parm;
344  float dist;
345  double xn, yn, vec[16], xpn, ypn, numer, denom;
347  /*
348  * set up the look-up to find proper slot, band
349  */
350  nlut = nbnd * nslot;
351  if (*bnd_tile_lut == 254) {
352  for (ilut = 0; ilut < nlut; ilut++)
353  *(bnd_tile_lut + slot_nav[ilut].band_num +
354  nbnd * slot_nav[ilut].slot_num) = ilut;
355  }
356  /*
357  * get normalization coefficients for scene to normalized scene
358  */
359  ilut = *(bnd_tile_lut + bnd + nbnd * itile);
360  xo = slot_nav[ilut].xo;
361  yo = slot_nav[ilut].yo;
362  xs = slot_nav[ilut].xs;
363  ys = slot_nav[ilut].ys;
364  /*
365  * for the transform: scene -> tile normalized
366  */
367  num_a_parm = slot_nav[ilut].num_a_parm;
368  a_parm = slot_nav[ilut].a_parm;
369  num_b_parm = slot_nav[ilut].num_b_parm;
370  b_parm = slot_nav[ilut].b_parm;
371  num_c_parm = slot_nav[ilut].num_c_parm;
372  c_parm = slot_nav[ilut].c_parm;
373  num_d_parm = slot_nav[ilut].num_d_parm;
374  d_parm = slot_nav[ilut].d_parm;
375  /*
376  * make normalized scene location
377  */
378  xn = ((double) ipix - (double) xo) / (double) xs;
379  yn = ((double) ilin - (double) yo) / (double) ys;
380  /*
381  * transform from scene to tile normalized
382  */
383  for (i = 0; i < nslot; i++)
384  vec[i] = 0.;
385  vec[0] = 1.;
386  vec[1] = xn;
387  vec[2] = yn;
388  vec[3] = xn * yn;
389  vec[4] = pow(xn, 2.);
390  vec[5] = pow(yn, 2.);
391  vec[6] = pow(xn, 2.) * yn;
392  vec[7] = pow(yn, 2.) * xn;
393  vec[8] = pow(yn, 2.) * pow(xn, 2.);
394  /* X */
395  for (i = 0, numer = 0.; i < num_a_parm; i++)
396  numer += vec[i] * a_parm[i];
397  for (i = 0, denom = 1.; i < num_b_parm; i++)
398  denom += vec[i + 1] * b_parm[i];
400  xpn = numer / denom;
402  /* Y */
403  for (i = 0, numer = 0.; i < num_c_parm; i++)
404  numer += vec[i] * c_parm[i];
405  for (i = 0, denom = 1.; i < num_d_parm; i++)
406  denom += vec[i + 1] * d_parm[i];
408  ypn = numer / denom;
409  /*
410  * find the normalized radius *** OLD WAY
411  *nradsq = (float) ( pow( xpn, 2. ) + pow( ypn, 2. ) );
412  */
413  /*
414  * find the smallest distance of this point from the 4 edges and
415  * return 1 - this as the longest linear distance from the benter
416  */
417  *lindist = 200.;
418  /* +X edge */
419  dist = 1. - xpn;
420  *lindist = (dist < *lindist) ? dist : *lindist;
421  /* -X edge */
422  dist = 1. + xpn;
423  *lindist = (dist < *lindist) ? dist : *lindist;
424  /* +Y edge */
425  dist = 1. - ypn;
426  *lindist = (dist < *lindist) ? dist : *lindist;
427  /* -Y edge */
428  dist = 1. + ypn;
429  *lindist = (dist < *lindist) ? dist : *lindist;
431  /* Make it a distance from center */
432  *lindist = 1. - *lindist;
433  return 0;
434 }
436 unsigned char goci_slot_time(int32_t ipix, int32_t ilin, goci_l1b_t *goci_l1b,
437  float *rel_sec)
438 /*******************************************************************
440  goci_slot_time
442  purpose: return the scene start relative time given a GOCI pixel, line
444  Returns type: int - 0 if all is OK
446  Parameters: (in calling order)
447  Type Name I/O Description
448  ---- ---- --- -----------
449  int32_t ipix I Pixel to transform
450  int32_t ilin I Line to transform
451  goci_l1b_t * goci_l1b I GOCI information structure
452  float * rel_sec O mean time of the pixel
453  relative to scene start time
455  Modification history:
456  Programmer Date Description of change
457  ---------- ---- ---------------------
458  W. Robinson, SAIC 10 Dec 2014 original development
460  *******************************************************************/ {
461  unsigned char p_slot;
463  p_slot = *(goci_l1b->slot_asg + ipix + goci_l1b->npixels * ilin);
465  *rel_sec = *(goci_l1b->slot_rel_time + p_slot);
466  return p_slot;
467 }
#define NFIELDS
Definition: goci_slot.c:10
int16_t * denom[MAXNFILES]
Definition: l2bin.cpp:99
#define NULL
Definition: decode_rs.h:63
#define NRECORDS
Definition: goci_slot.c:11
#define NAV_GRP
Definition: goci_slot.c:12
int nlin
Definition: get_cmp.c:28
subroutine sc_att(gaclac, tlm, navqc, att_ang, attangfl, iret)
Definition: sc_att.f:3
int nbnd
Definition: get_cmp.c:29
#define TABLE_NAME
Definition: goci_slot.c:13
float * slot_rel_time
Definition: goci.h:33
int goci_slot_nav(int32_t ipix, int32_t ilin, int32_t bnd, int32_t itile, slot_nav_str *slot_nav, int32_t nbnd, int32_t nslot, unsigned char *bnd_tile_lut, float *lindist)
Definition: goci_slot.c:302
integer, parameter double
GOCI file format reader.
int16_t * numer[MAXNFILES]
Definition: l2bin.cpp:99
unsigned char * slot_asg
Definition: goci.h:34
int32_t goci_slot_init(hid_t file_id, hsize_t *dims, float *slot_rel_time, unsigned char *slot_asg, int32_t *slot_nav_avail)
Definition: goci_slot.c:20
unsigned char goci_slot_time(int32_t ipix, int32_t ilin, goci_l1b_t *goci_l1b, float *rel_sec)
Definition: goci_slot.c:436
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
int npixels
Definition: goci.h:16
int npix
Definition: get_cmp.c:27