Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine attcmp(nlines, gaclac, tlm, pos, vel, timref,
2  1 time, navctl, navqc, attxfm, navblk, tiltpr, tiltfl)
3 c
4 c attcmp(nlines, gaclac, tlm, pos, vel, timref, time, navctl,
5 c navqc, attxfm, navblk)
6 c
7 c Purpose: Compute attitude from the spacecraft sensor data
8 c
9 c Calling Arguments:
10 c
11 c Name Type I/O Description
12 c -------- ---- --- -----------
13 c nlines I*4 I number of scan lines to process
14 c gaclac I*4 I flag for GAC or LAC data type,
15 c tlm struct I telemetry block data
16 c pos R*4 I size 3 by nlines orbit position in km
17 c vel R*4 I size 3 by nlines orbit velocity in km/sec
18 c timref R*8 I size 3 reference time at start line
19 c of data: year, day, sec
20 c time R*8 I array of time in seconds relative to
21 c timref for every scan line
22 c navctl struct I controls for processing and sensor,
23 c offset data
24 c navqc struct I navigation quality control parameters
25 c attxfm R*4 I size 3 by 3 by nlines attitude transform
26 c matricies
27 c navblk struct O navigation block containing navigation
28 c information
29 c tiltpr R*4 O size nlines processed tilt data
30 c for each line and for two tilt measurements
31 c tiltfl I*4 O flags for goodness of tilts 0 - good,
32 c 1 - bad
33 c
34 c By: W. Robinson, GSC, 1 Apr 93
35 c
36 c Notes:
37 c
38 c Modification History:
39 c
40 c Added rs to call to l_sun. F.S. Patt, GSC, August 15, 1996.
41 c
42 c Modified to compute sen_mat and scan_ell using zero tilt if tilt flags
43 c are set. F. S. Patt, GSC, October 9, 1996.
44 c
45 c Minor modifications for compatibility with Sun OS. B. A. Franz, GSC,
46 c November 14, 1997.
47 c
48 c Added initial index to some array references for Sun OS compatibility.
49 c B. A. Franz, GSC, November 14, 1997.
50 c
51 c Added check for large yaw angle (indicating large uncertainty) and set
52 c nav flag. F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, December 11, 1997.
53 c
54 c Modified to work with new (Kalman filter) version of attdet.f.
55 c F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, June 2, 1998.
56 c
57 c Modified to add two-pass (forward and backward) filtering.
58 c F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, June 4, 1998.
59 c
60 c Fixed bug which caused incorrect initialization for flagged frames at
61 c start of scene. F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, June 16, 1998.
62 c
63 c Added test for final yaw covariance greater than a limit, indicating
64 c poor geometry. F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, September 24, 1998.
65 c
66 c Fixed bug which caused the last scan line not to be checked for covariance
67 c greater that the limit. F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, December 10, 1998.
68 c
69 c Fixed to compute nadbodfl from widphfl before writing to file.
70 c F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, February 5, 1999.
71 c
72 c Modified to set nflag(8) (navwarn) for nflag(5) = 1 (high yaw uncertainty)
73 c or nflag(7) = 2 (tilt change). F. S. Patt, SAIC, October 10, 2001.
74 c
75 c Modified to recompute yaw covariance from forward and backward passes
76 c before checking against limit. F. S. Patt, SAIC, March 21, 2003.
77 c
78 c Modified check on input flags to check for valid orbit vector only, in order
79 c to allow attitude determination even with flagged time (e.g., time shift).
80 c F. S. Patt, SAIC, October 30, 2007.
83  implicit none
84 #include "tlm_str.fin"
85 #include "navctl_s.fin"
86 #include "navqc_s.fin"
87 #include "navblk_s.fin"
88 c
89  type(tlm_struct) tlm
90  type(navctl_struct) navctl
91  type(navqc_struct) navqc
92  type(navblk_struct) navblk(maxlin)
93  type(navblk_struct) navblk1
94 c
95  integer*4 nlines, gaclac, isens
96  real*4 pos(3,nlines), vel(3,nlines), attxfm(3,3,nlines)
97  real*8 timref(3), time(nlines)
98 c
99  integer*4 ilin, i, l, sunbodfl(maxlin), nadbodfl(maxlin), year,
100  1 day, delday, tiltfl(maxlin), widphfl(maxlin,2)
101  real*4 sun_bod(3,maxlin), nad_bod(3,maxlin), tiltpr(maxlin),
102  1 widphse(2,maxlin,2), yaw_lim, covar(3), delta_t,
103  1 att_prev(3), covpass1(3,maxlin), maxcov
104  real*8 sec, rs
105  logical first
106  data yaw_lim/6.0/, att_prev/3*0.0/, maxcov/1.0e-6/
107 c
108 c start, compute the array of spacecraft sun vectors for each line
109 c
110  call suncomp( tlm, time, nlines, gaclac, navqc, navctl,
111  1 sun_bod, sunbodfl )
112 c
113 c debug printout of sun body vectors
114  if (navctl%lvdbug.gt.1) then
115  open(unit=21,file='sun_bod.out',status = 'unknown')
116  do ilin = 1, nlines
117  write(21,1200)(sun_bod(isens,ilin),isens=1,3),
118  1 sunbodfl(ilin)
119  1200 format(2x,3f12.7,i7)
120  end do
121  close(unit = 21)
122  end if
123 c
124 c compute the array of spacecraft nadir vectors for each line
125 c
126  call earcomp(tlm, time, pos, vel, nlines, gaclac, navqc,
127  1 navctl, nad_bod, nadbodfl, widphse, widphfl )
128 c
129 c prepare the tilt values reported
130 c
131  call tiltcomp( nlines, tlm, timref, time, gaclac, navqc,
132  1 tiltpr, tiltfl )
133 c
134 c (future) compute the array of spacecraft magnetic vectors
135 c
136 c call magcomp(
137 c
138 c Loop through lines and compute the attitude
139 c First pass of Kalman filter
140 c
141  first = .true.
142  do ilin = 1, nlines
143 c
144 c compute the model sun vector
145 c (get actual year, day, sec from ref time and time array)
146 c
147  year = timref(1)
148  day = timref(2)
149  sec = timref(3)
150  delday = 0
151  call ydsadd( year, day, sec, delday, time(ilin) )
152 c
153  call l_sun( year, day, sec, navblk(ilin)%sun_ref(1), rs )
154 c
155 c access the local vertical from the attitude transform matrix
156 c
157  navblk(ilin)%l_vert(1) = attxfm(1,1,ilin)
158  navblk(ilin)%l_vert(2) = attxfm(1,2,ilin)
159  navblk(ilin)%l_vert(3) = attxfm(1,3,ilin)
160 c
161 c determine attitude from the model and measured vectors
162 c
163  if( (widphfl(ilin,1).ne.0) .and. (widphfl(ilin,2).ne.0)) then
164  navblk(ilin)%nflag(4) = 1
165  end if
166 c
167  if( sunbodfl(ilin) .ne. 0 ) then
168  navblk(ilin)%nflag(3) = 1
169  end if
170 c
171  if( navblk(ilin)%nflag(2) .eq. 0 ) then
172 c
173  if (first) then
174  first = .false.
175  delta_t = 0.0
176  else
177  delta_t = time(ilin) - time(ilin-1)
178  end if
180  call attdet(navblk(ilin), navctl, nad_bod(1,ilin),
181  1 attxfm(1,1,ilin), pos(1,ilin), vel(1,ilin),
182  1 widphse(1,ilin,1), widphfl(ilin,1), widphse(1,ilin,2),
183  1 widphfl(ilin,2), sun_bod(1,ilin), sunbodfl(ilin),
184  1 att_prev, delta_t, covar)
186 c Store attitude for next line and save covariance for second pass
187  do i=1,3
188  att_prev(i) = navblk(ilin)%att_ang(i)
189  covpass1(i,ilin) = covar(i)
190  end do
192  end if
193  end do
195 c Check last scan for yaw angle or covariance outside of limit
196  if ((covar(1).ge.maxcov).or.
197  1 (abs(navblk(nlines)%att_ang(1)).gt.yaw_lim)) then
198  navblk(nlines)%nflag(8) = 1
199  navblk(nlines)%nflag(5) = 1
200  end if
202 c Now make a second pass backwards
203  do l=1,nlines-1
204  ilin = nlines - l
206 c Already have sun_ref and flags from first pass
208  if( navblk(ilin)%nflag(2) .eq. 0 ) then
210  do i=1,3
211  navblk1%sun_ref(i) = navblk(ilin)%sun_ref(i)
212  end do
213  delta_t = time(ilin) - time(ilin+1)
215  call attdet(navblk1, navctl, nad_bod(1,ilin),
216  1 attxfm(1,1,ilin), pos(1,ilin), vel(1,ilin),
217  1 widphse(1,ilin,1), widphfl(ilin,1), widphse(1,ilin,2),
218  1 widphfl(ilin,2), sun_bod(1,ilin), sunbodfl(ilin),
219  1 att_prev, delta_t, covar)
221  do i=1,3
222  att_prev(i) = navblk1%att_ang(i)
223  end do
225 c Compute weighted average of attitude from two passes
226  do i=1,3
227  navblk(ilin)%att_ang(i) =
228  1 ( navblk(ilin)%att_ang(i)*covar(i) +
229  1 navblk1%att_ang(i)*covpass1(i,ilin)) /
230  1 (covar(i) + covpass1(i,ilin))
231  covpass1(i,ilin) = 1./(1./covpass1(i,ilin) +
232  1 1./covar(i))
233  end do
235 c write (65,*) (covpass1(i,ilin),i=1,3)
237 c Check for yaw angle or covariance outside of limit
238  if ((covpass1(1,ilin).ge.maxcov).or.
239  1 (abs(navblk(ilin)%att_ang(1)).gt.yaw_lim)) then
240  navblk(ilin)%nflag(8) = 1
241  navblk(ilin)%nflag(5) = 1
242  end if
244  end if
245  end do
246 c
247 c debug printout of nadir body vectors
248  if (navctl%lvdbug.gt.1) then
249  open(unit=21,file='nad_bod.out',status = 'unknown')
250  do ilin = 1, nlines
251  if ((widphfl(ilin,1).ne.0) .and. (widphfl(ilin,2).ne.0)) then
252  nadbodfl(ilin) = 1
253  else
254  nadbodfl(ilin) = 0
255  end if
256  write(21,1200) (nad_bod(isens,ilin),isens=1,3),
257  1 nadbodfl(ilin)
258  end do
259  close(unit = 21)
260  end if
261 c
262 c add scan ellipse coefficients and tilt flags to the nav block
263 c
264  do ilin = 1, nlines
266  navblk(ilin)%nflag(7) = tiltfl(ilin)
267  if ( tiltfl(ilin) .eq. 1) then
268  navblk(ilin)%nflag(1) = 1
269  else if ( tiltfl(ilin) .eq. 2) then
270  navblk(ilin)%nflag(8) = 1
271  end if
273  call ellxfm( attxfm(1,1,ilin), navblk(ilin)%att_ang(1),
274  1 tiltpr(ilin), pos(1,ilin), navctl,
275  1 navblk(ilin)%sen_mat(1,1), navblk(ilin)%scan_ell(1) )
277  end do
278 c
279 c and return
280 c
281  return
282  end
subroutine suncomp(tlm, time, nlines, gaclac, navqc,
Definition: suncomp.f:2
subroutine attdet(navblk, navctl, nad_bod, attxfm,
Definition: attdet.f:2
Definition: l_sun.py:1
#define real
Definition: DbAlgOcean.cpp:26
subroutine ydsadd(iy, id, sec, deld, delsec)
Definition: ydsadd.f:2
subroutine earcomp(tlm, time, pos, vel, nlines, gaclac, navqc,
Definition: earcomp.f:2
subroutine tiltcomp(nlines, tlm, timref, time, gaclac, navqc, tiltpr, tiltfl)
Definition: tiltcomp.f:3
subroutine ellxfm(attxfm, att_ang, tilt, p, navctl, smat, coef)
Definition: ellxfm.f:2
subroutine attcmp(nlines, gaclac, tlm, pos, vel, timref, time, navctl, navqc, attxfm, navblk, tiltpr, tiltfl)
Definition: attcmp.f:3
#define abs(a)
Definition: misc.h:90