Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine angl
2 c
3 c subroutine angl computes sine and cosine and other trig. quantitie
4 c rt calculations
5 c***********************************************************************
6 c.....include common block and declaration statements
7  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
8  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
9 c***********************************************************************
10 c
11 c write(6,*)'entering subroutine angl'
12  do 15 i=1,nx
13  j=nmu-i+1
14  rmu(i)=rx(i)
15  rmu(j)=180.0-rx(i)
16  15 continue
17  rmuo=the0in(ksza)
18  the0(isza)=rmuo
19 c
20 c write(6,900)isza,rmuo
21 900 format('isza,rmuo',i5,1pe11.3)
22  do 9836 i=1,nmu
23  9836 cmu(i) =dcos(rmu(i)*conv)
24 c
25  do 9837 i=1,nmum1
26  xmu = (rmu(i) + rmu(i+1) )/2.0d0
27  the(i)=xmu
28  if(i .gt. (nx-1))then
29  the(i)=the(nmum1-i+1)
30  endif
31  dddd=dabs(xmu-rmuo)
32  if(dddd.le.1.0d-3)then
33  amuo = dcos(xmu*conv)
34  kkx=i
35  endif
36  cosmu(i) =dcos(xmu*conv)
37  sinmu(i) =dsin(xmu*conv)
38  9837 continue
39 c
40 c write(*,*)'kkx,amuo',kkx,amuo
41 c write(*,*),'the',the
42  nophip=nophi+1
43  do 52 l=1,nophip
44  yy=l
45  phi(l)=(yy-1.0d0)*dphi
46  jphi(l)=phi(l)+0.001
47 c write(6,*)'l,jphi(l),phi(l)',l,jphi(l),phi(l)
48  52 continue
49 c write(6,*)'jpart',jpart
50  do 2300 i=1,jpart
51  th=(i-1)*dphi*conv
52  costh(i)=dcos(th)
53  sinth(i)=dsin(th)
54  2300 continue
55  do 1100 i = 1,nmum1
56  dmus2(i)=(cmu(i)**2-cmu(i+1)**2)/2.d0
57  1100 dmu(i) = cmu(i) - cmu(i+1)
58 c
59  do i=1,nmum1
60 c write(6,151)i,rmu(i),cmu(i),sinmu(i),dmu(i),dmus2(i)
61 151 format(i3,1x,1p5e11.3)
62  enddo
63 c write(6,152)amuo
64 152 format('amuo',1pe11.3)
65 c write(6,*)'leaving subroutine angl'
66  return
67  end
68 c**********************************************************************
subroutine angl
Definition: angl.f:2