Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
ancnrt_2p5.c File Reference
#include <mfhdf.h>
#include "ancil.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "ancnrt_proto.h"
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#define VGROUPNAME   "Geophysical Data"
#define BIN_METH   2
#define VSIZE   2.5
#define HSIZE   2.5
#define MAX_NORTH   90.0
#define MAX_SOUTH   -90.0
#define MAX_WEST   -180.0
#define MAX_EAST   177.50
#define WPHLATSZ   73 /* latitude of GRIB files */
#define WPHLONSZ   144 /* long of MODIFIED GRIB files */
#define OZLATSZ   180 /* TOVS output # lines */
#define OZLONSZ   288 /* TOVS output made to this size */
#define ANC_MET   0 /* for ancillary data type (anctyp) say this is met data */
#define ANC_OZONE   1 /* say this is ozone data */
#define GRIB_MODE_1   1 /* the GRIB modes, GRIB 1 old, GRIB 2 post jan 08 */
#define GRIB_MODE_2   2
#define NLEV   6


int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int8 check_usage (int argc, char *argv[], int *anctyp, int *n_opt_arg, char *source_name, int *grib_mode, char *grib2_t_str)
float wind_hgt_corr (float hgt)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ANC_MET   0 /* for ancillary data type (anctyp) say this is met data */

Definition at line 128 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define ANC_OZONE   1 /* say this is ozone data */

Definition at line 129 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define BIN_METH   2

Definition at line 116 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define GRIB_MODE_1   1 /* the GRIB modes, GRIB 1 old, GRIB 2 post jan 08 */

Definition at line 130 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define GRIB_MODE_2   2

Definition at line 131 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define HSIZE   2.5

Definition at line 119 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define MAX_EAST   177.50

Definition at line 123 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define MAX_NORTH   90.0

Definition at line 120 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define MAX_SOUTH   -90.0

Definition at line 121 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define MAX_WEST   -180.0

Definition at line 122 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define NLEV   6

Definition at line 132 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define OZLATSZ   180 /* TOVS output # lines */

Definition at line 126 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define OZLONSZ   288 /* TOVS output made to this size */

Definition at line 127 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.



Definition at line 117 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define VGROUPNAME   "Geophysical Data"

Definition at line 114 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define VSIZE   2.5

Definition at line 118 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define WPHLATSZ   73 /* latitude of GRIB files */

Definition at line 124 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.


#define WPHLONSZ   144 /* long of MODIFIED GRIB files */

Definition at line 125 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.

Function Documentation

◆ check_usage()

int8 check_usage ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
int *  anctyp,
int *  n_opt_arg,
char *  source_name,
int *  grib_mode,
char *  grib2_t_str 

Definition at line 922 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 134 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.

◆ wind_hgt_corr()

float wind_hgt_corr ( float  hgt)

Definition at line 1058 of file ancnrt_2p5.c.