Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
viirs_aerosol_luts_nc4.f95 File Reference

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module  viirs_aerosol_luts


integer function, public load_viirs_aerosol_luts (lut_file)
subroutine, public unload_viirs_aerosol_luts (status)
subroutine, public aero_470 (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, ma, imod, r470, tau_x470, tau_x470_flag, trflg, model_frac, debug)
subroutine, public aero_650 (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, ma, r650, tau_x650, tau_x650_flag, tau_x470_flag, tau_x412, tau_x470, tau_x412_flag_91, trflg)
subroutine, public aero_412 (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, ma, imod, r412, tau_x412, tau_x412_flag, trflg, model_frac, debug)
subroutine, public aero_412_abs (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, r412, tau_x, w0_x)
subroutine, public aero_470_abs (dflag2, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, r470, tau_x, w0_x)
subroutine, public aero_470_dust (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, ma, imod, r470, tau_x470, tau_x470_flag, trflg, model_frac, debug)
subroutine, public aero_650_dust (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, ma, r650, tau_x650, tau_x650_flag, tau_x470_flag, tau_x412, tau_x470, tau_x412_flag_91, trflg)
subroutine, public aero_412_dust (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, ma, imod, r412, tau_x412, tau_x412_flag, trflg, model_frac, debug)
subroutine, public aero_412_abs_dust (dflag, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, r412, tau_x, w0_x)
subroutine, public aero_470_abs_dust (dflag2, refl, x1, x2, x3, mm, nn, ll, r470, tau_x, w0_x)
subroutine, public new_intep (x1a, x2a, x3a, ya, m, n, l, ia, x1, x2, x3, y, dy, mbeg, nbeg, frac)
subroutine, public polint (xa, ya, n, x, y, dy)