Ocean Color Science Software

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef LEVEL_1A_INDEX_H_
2 #define LEVEL_1A_INDEX_H_
4 /*
5  level 1A dimension
6  */
7 #define NSAMP_DIMS_1A 248
8 #define BANDS_DIMS_1A 8
9 #define MTILT_DIMS_1A 20
10 #define LTILT_DIMS_1A 2
11 #define PTILT_DIMS_1A 2
12 #define KNEES_DIMS_1A 5
13 #define SIDES_DIMS_1A 2
14 #define GAINS_DIMS_1A 4
15 #define INSTR_DIMS_1A 44
16 #define SOH_DIMS_1A 775
17 #define FLAG_DIMS_1A 4
18 #define NFLAG_DIMS_1A 8
19 #define ID_DIMS_1A 2
20 #define TTAG_DIMS_1A 4
21 #define INSTA_DIMS_1A 40
22 #define INSTD_DIMS_1A 32
23 #define SCA_DIMS_1A 40
24 #define SCD_DIMS_1A 40
25 #define VEC_DIMS_1A 3
26 #define ELL_DIMS_1A 6
27 #define REC_DIMS_1A unlimited
28 /*
29  level 1A index
30  */
31 #define PRODUCT_NAME_1A 0
32 #define TITLE_1A 1
33 #define DATA_CENTER_1A 2
34 #define STATION_1A 3
35 #define STATION_LAT_1A 4
36 #define STATION_LON_1A 5
37 #define MISSION_1A 6
38 #define MISSION_CHAR_1A 7
39 #define SENSOR_1A 8
40 #define SENSOR_CHAR_1A 9
41 #define DTYPE_1A 10
42 #define REPLACE_1A 11
43 #define SW_ID_1A 12
44 #define PTIME_1A 13
45 #define INFILES_1A 14
46 #define PROC_CON_1A 15
47 #define PROC_LOG_1A 16
48 #define STIME_1A 17
49 #define ETIME_1A 18
50 #define CTIME_1A 19
51 #define NTIME_1A 20
52 #define SYEAR_1A 21
53 #define EYEAR_1A 22
54 #define SDAY_1A 23
55 #define EDAY_1A 24
56 #define SMSEC_1A 25
57 #define EMSEC_1A 26
58 #define SNODE_1A 27
59 #define ENODE_1A 28
60 #define ORBNUM_1A 29
61 #define NORAD1_1A 30
62 #define NORAD2_1A 31
63 #define NSAMP_1A 32
64 #define NREC_1A 33
65 #define PIX_START_1A 34
66 #define PIX_SUB_1A 35
67 #define NFREC_1A 36
68 #define NCREC_1A 37
69 #define FF_MIS_1A 38
70 #define SD_MIS_1A 39
71 #define SATG1_1A 40
72 #define SATG2_1A 41
73 #define NSATG1_1A 42
74 #define NSATG2_1A 43
75 #define ZEROES_1A 44
76 #define MEANR1_1A 45
77 #define MEANR2_1A 46
78 #define LAT_UNITS_1A 47
79 #define LON_UNITS_1A 48
80 #define SCLAT_1A 49
81 #define SCLON_1A 50
82 #define SCSOL_Z_1A 51
83 #define ULLAT_1A 52
84 #define ULLON_1A 53
85 #define URLAT_1A 54
86 #define URLON_1A 55
87 #define LLLAT_1A 56
88 #define LLLON_1A 57
89 #define LRLAT_1A 58
90 #define LRLON_1A 59
91 #define NORTHLAT_1A 60
92 #define SOUTHLAT_1A 61
93 #define WESTLON_1A 62
94 #define EASTLON_1A 63
95 #define STARTCLAT_1A 64
96 #define STARTCLON_1A 65
97 #define ENDCLAT_1A 66
98 #define ENDCLON_1A 67
99 #define NODEL_1A 68
100 #define SCAN_ATTR_1A 69
101 #define MSEC_1A 70
102 #define ENG_QUAL_1A 71
103 #define S_FLAGS_1A 72
104 #define S_SATP_1A 73
105 #define S_ZEROP_1A 74
106 #define SLAT_1A 75
107 #define SLON_1A 76
108 #define CLAT_1A 77
109 #define CLON_1A 78
110 #define ELAT_1A 79
111 #define ELON_1A 80
112 #define CSOL_Z_1A 81
113 #define TILT_1A 82
114 #define RAW_DATA_1A 83
115 #define SC_ID_1A 84
116 #define SC_TTAG_1A 85
117 #define SC_SOH_1A 86
118 #define INST_TLM_1A 87
119 #define L1A_DATA_1A 88
120 #define START_SYN_1A 89
121 #define STOP_SYN_1A 90
122 #define DARK_REST_1A 91
123 #define GAIN_1A 92
124 #define TDI_1A 93
125 #define CON_DATA_1A 94
126 #define INST_ANA_1A 95
127 #define INST_DIS_1A 96
128 #define SC_ANA_1A 97
129 #define SC_DIS_1A 98
130 #define SCAN_TEMP_1A 99
131 #define SIDE_1A 100
132 #define NAV_DATA_1A 101
133 #define ORB_VEC_1A 102
134 #define L_VERT_1A 103
135 #define SUN_REF_1A 104
136 #define ATT_ANG_1A 105
137 #define SEN_MAT_1A 106
138 #define SCAN_ELL_1A 107
139 #define NFLAG_1A 108
140 #define TILT_GROUP_1A 109
141 #define NTILTS_1A 110
142 #define TILT_FLAGS_1A 111
143 #define TILT_RANGES_1A 112
144 #define TILT_LATS_1A 113
145 #define TILT_LONS_1A 114
146 #define CAL_GROUP_1A 115
147 #define ENTRY_YEAR_1A 116
148 #define ENTRY_DAY_1A 117
149 #define REF_YEAR_1A 118
150 #define REF_DAY_1A 119
151 #define REF_MINUTE_1A 120
152 #define MIRROR_1A 121
153 #define T_CONST_1A 122
154 #define T_LINEAR_1A 123
155 #define T_QUADRATIC_1A 124
156 #define CAL_OFFS_1A 125
157 #define COUNTS_1A 126
158 #define RADS_1A 127
160 /*
161  level 1A label
162  */
163 #define PRODUCT_NAME_1AS "Product Name"
164 #define TITLE_1AS "Title"
165 #define DATA_CENTER_1AS "Data Center"
166 #define STATION_1AS "Station Name"
167 #define STATION_LAT_1AS "Station Latitude"
168 #define STATION_LON_1AS "Station Longitude"
169 #define MISSION_1AS "mission"
170 #define MISSION_CHAR_1AS "platformInformation"
171 #define SENSOR_1AS "Sensor"
172 #define SENSOR_CHAR_1AS "instrumentInformation"
173 #define DTYPE_1AS "Data Type"
174 #define REPLACE_1AS "Replacement Flag"
175 #define SW_ID_1AS "Software ID"
176 #define PTIME_1AS "Processing Time"
177 #define INFILES_1AS "Input Files"
178 #define PROC_CON_1AS "Processing Control"
179 #define PROC_LOG_1AS "Processing Log"
180 #define STIME_1AS "Start Time"
181 #define ETIME_1AS "End Time"
182 #define NTIME_1AS "Node Crossing Time"
183 #define SNODE_1AS "Start Node"
184 #define ENODE_1AS "End Node"
185 #define ORBNUM_1AS "Orbit Number"
186 #define NORAD1_1AS "NORAD Line 1"
187 #define NORAD2_1AS "NORAD Line 2"
188 #define NSAMP_1AS "Pixels per Scan Line"
189 #define NREC_1AS "Number of Scan Lines"
190 #define PIX_START_1AS "LAC Pixel Start Number"
191 #define PIX_SUB_1AS "LAC Pixel Subsampling"
192 #define NFREC_1AS "Filled Scan Lines"
193 #define FF_MIS_1AS "FF Missing Frames"
194 #define SD_MIS_1AS "SDPS Missing Frames"
195 #define SATG1_1AS "Gain 1 Saturated Pixels"
196 #define SATG2_1AS "Gain 2 Saturated Pixels"
197 #define NSATG1_1AS "Gain 1 Non-Saturated Pixels"
198 #define NSATG2_1AS "Gain 2 Non-Saturated Pixels"
199 #define ZEROES_1AS "Zero Pixels"
200 #define MEANR1_1AS "Mean Gain 1 Radiance"
201 #define MEANR2_1AS "Mean Gain 2 Radiance"
202 #define LAT_UNITS_1AS "Latitude Units"
203 #define LON_UNITS_1AS "Longitude Units"
204 #define NORTHLAT_1AS "Northernmost Latitude"
205 #define SOUTHLAT_1AS "Southernmost Latitude"
206 #define WESTLON_1AS "Westernmost Longitude"
207 #define EASTLON_1AS "Easternmost Longitude"
208 #define STARTCLAT_1AS "Start Center Latitude"
209 #define STARTCLON_1AS "Start Center Longitude"
210 #define ENDCLAT_1AS "End Center Latitude"
211 #define ENDCLON_1AS "End Center Longitude"
212 #define NODEL_1AS "Orbit Node Longitude"
213 #define SCAN_ATTR_1AS "scan_attr"
214 #define MSEC_1AS "msec"
215 #define ENG_QUAL_1AS "eng_qual"
216 #define S_FLAGS_1AS "s_flags"
217 #define S_SATP_1AS "s_satp"
218 #define S_ZEROP_1AS "s_zerop"
219 #define SLAT_1AS "slat"
220 #define SLON_1AS "slon"
221 #define CLAT_1AS "clat"
222 #define CLON_1AS "clon"
223 #define ELAT_1AS "elat"
224 #define ELON_1AS "elon"
225 #define CSOL_Z_1AS "csol_z"
226 #define TILT_1AS "tilt"
227 #define RAW_DATA_1AS "raw_data"
228 #define SC_ID_1AS "sc_id"
229 #define SC_TTAG_1AS "sc_ttag"
230 #define SC_SOH_1AS "sc_soh"
231 #define INST_TLM_1AS "inst_tlm"
232 #define L1A_DATA_1AS "l1a_data"
233 #define START_SYN_1AS "start_syn"
234 #define STOP_SYN_1AS "stop_syn"
235 #define DARK_REST_1AS "dark_rest"
236 #define GAIN_1AS "gain"
237 #define TDI_1AS "tdi"
238 #define CON_DATA_1AS "con_data"
239 #define INST_ANA_1AS "inst_ana"
240 #define INST_DIS_1AS "inst_dis"
241 #define SC_ANA_1AS "sc_ana"
242 #define SC_DIS_1AS "sc_dis"
243 #define SCAN_TEMP_1AS "scan_temp"
244 #define SIDE_1AS "side"
245 #define NAV_DATA_1AS "nav_data"
246 #define ORB_VEC_1AS "orb_vec"
247 #define L_VERT_1AS "l_vert"
248 #define SUN_REF_1AS "sun_ref"
249 #define ATT_ANG_1AS "att_ang"
250 #define SEN_MAT_1AS "sen_mat"
251 #define SCAN_ELL_1AS "scan_ell"
252 #define NFLAG_1AS "nflag"
253 #define TILT_GROUP_1AS "tilt_group"
254 #define NTILTS_1AS "ntilts"
255 #define TILT_FLAGS_1AS "tilt_flags"
256 #define TILT_RANGES_1AS "tilt_ranges"
257 #define TILT_LATS_1AS "tilt_lats"
258 #define TILT_LONS_1AS "tilt_lons"
259 #define CAL_GROUP_1AS "cal_group"
260 #define ENTRY_YEAR_1AS "entry_year"
261 #define ENTRY_DAY_1AS "entry_day"
262 #define REF_YEAR_1AS "ref_year"
263 #define REF_DAY_1AS "ref_day"
264 #define REF_MINUTE_1AS "ref_minute"
265 #define MIRROR_1AS "mirror"
266 #define T_CONST_1AS "t_const"
267 #define T_LINEAR_1AS "t_linear"
268 #define T_QUADRATIC_1AS "t_quadratic"
269 #define CAL_OFFS_1AS "cal_offs"
270 #define COUNTS_1AS "counts"
271 #define RADS_1AS "rads"
273 /*
274  level 1A label array
275  */
276 #ifndef L1A_LABELS
277 #define L1A_LABELS
278 static const char * const l1a_labels[] = {
279  "Product Name", "Title", "Data Center", "Station Name", "Station Latitude",
280  "Station Longitude", "mission", "platformInformation", "Sensor", "instrumentInformation",
281  "Data Type", "Replacement Flag", "Software ID", "Processing Time", "Input Files",
282  "Processing Control", "Processing Log", "Start Time", "End Time",
283  "Node Crossing Time", "Start Node", "End Node", "Orbit Number",
284  "NORAD Line 1", "NORAD Line 2", "LAC Pixel Start Number",
285  "LAC Pixel Subsampling", "Filled Scan Lines", "FF Missing Frames", "SDPS Missing Frames",
286  "Gain 1 Saturated Pixels", "Gain 2 Saturated Pixels", "Gain 1 Non-Saturated Pixels", "Gain 2 Non-Saturated Pixels", "Zero Pixels",
287  "Mean Gain 1 Radiance", "Mean Gain 2 Radiance", "Latitude Units", "Longitude Units",
288  "Northernmost Latitude", "Southernmost Latitude", "Westernmost Longitude", "Easternmost Longitude", "Start Center Latitude",
289  "Start Center Longitude", "End Center Latitude", "End Center Longitude", "Orbit Node Longitude", "Scan-Line Attributes",
290  "msec", "eng_qual", "s_flags", "s_satp", "s_zerop",
291  "slat", "slon", "clat", "clon", "elat",
292  "elon", "csol_z", "tilt", "Raw SeaStar Data", "sc_id",
293  "sc_ttag", "sc_soh", "inst_tlm", "l1a_data", "start_syn",
294  "stop_syn", "dark_rest", "gain", "tdi", "Converted Telemetry",
295  "inst_ana", "inst_dis", "sc_ana", "sc_dis", "scan_temp",
296  "side", "Navigation", "orb_vec", "l_vert", "sun_ref",
297  "att_ang", "sen_mat", "scan_ell", "nflag", "Sensor Tilt",
298  "ntilts", "tilt_flags", "tilt_ranges", "tilt_lats", "tilt_lons",
299  "Calibration", "entry_year", "entry_day", "ref_year", "ref_day",
300  "ref_minute", "mirror", "t_const", "t_linear", "t_quadratic",
301  "cal_offs", "counts", "rads"
302 };
303 #endif
304 #ifndef L1A_OBJTYPE
305 #define L1A_OBJTYPE
306 static const char *const l1a_objtype[] = {
307  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
308  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
309  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
310  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
311  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
312  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
313  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
314  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
315  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
316  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
317  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
318  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
319  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute",
320  "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Attribute", "Vgroup",
321  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
322  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
323  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "Vgroup", "MF_SDS",
324  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
325  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "Vgroup",
326  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
327  "MF_SDS", "Vgroup", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
328  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "Vgroup",
329  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
330  "Vgroup", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
331  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS",
332  "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS", "MF_SDS"
333 };
334 #endif
336 #endif /* LEVEL_1A_INDEX_H_ */