Aqua MODIS Mini-reprocessing R2022.0.2

Aqua MODIS Mini-reprocessing R2022.0.2

1. Introduction

The R2022.0.2 update addresses inadequate data quality resulting from the second yaw maneuver performed in August 2024, which yielded unsatisfactory results in ocean data products when using calibrations based on these data. Additionally, this update incorporates calibration improvements from R2022.0.1 to address data quality issues observed post-2022 (refer to the R2022.0.1 description for details). To resolve these challenges, the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) has decided to cross-calibrate Aqua MODIS with NOAA-20 VIIRS, implementing a LUT transition date of 2022/01/01. This cross-calibration aims to enhance the quality and continuity of Aqua MODIS ocean color data products.

2. Impact and Quality Assessment

2.1. Impact on Timeseries

The impact to large-scale regional means in the ocean color time-series is shown below. The plot shows the averages of the Aqua MODIS Rrs in global deep water as a function of time both for R2022.0.1 (blue lines) and R2022.0.2 (red lines).

Deep water time series comparisons of Aqua MODIS R2022.0.2 to Aqua MODIS R2022.0.1
Figure 1: Global deepwater time series comparisons of Aqua MODIS R2022.0.2 to R2022.0.1