SST Reprocessing 2016.0
The R2016.0 processing of VIIRS Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data by the OBPG
incorporates a revised cloud classification scheme based on the theory of
Alternating Decision Trees (ADtree) developed by Freund and Mason 1999 and
modified by Pfahringer et. al. 2000. A full description of parameters, training,
and validation of the ADtree cloud mask can be found in Kilpatrick et. al. 2019.
Summary of Changes
- Implemented a new "Alternating Decision Trees" methodology for cloud classification
- Updated SST coefficients
- Implemented VIIRS-specific sensor error statistics (SSES) LUTs
R2016.1 update
This is a minor update that includes:
- Added an L2 GHRSST compliant single sensor error statistics (SSES)
of bias and standard deviation, based on 5 years of collocated satellite and
in situ data in the Miami VIIRS matchup database, using the same hypercube
methodology as used for MODIS
- Added a new ice test to fix a problem of thin/melting ice being misclassified as clear during the early summer melt season
- Increased the lower threshold for valid SST retrievals to be a more
geophysically justifiable -1.8℃ for seawater rather than the previous -2.0℃
- minor bug fixes to the cloud classifier tests
R2016.2 update
This is a minor update that includes:
- Apply the changes from R2016.1 to the entire mission time series
(R2016.1 was a forward-stream update only)
- Use the GHRSST Level 4 CMC (Canadian Meterological Centre) Global Foundation
Sea Surface Temperature product as the reference SST value in place of the
NOAA 1/4° daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature product
- Implement a new file naming convention
Y. Freund, L. Mason, "The alternating decision tree learning algorithm",
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Machine Learning, Bled, Slovenia (1999), pp. 124-133
Pfahringer B., Holmes G., Kirkby R. (2001) "Optimizing the Induction of Alternating Decision Trees",
In: Cheung D., Williams G.J., Li Q. (eds) Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PAKDD 2001.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2035. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi:
Kilpatrick, K.A., G. Podestá, E. Williams, S. Walsh, and P.J. Minnett, 2019: Alternating Decision Trees for Cloud Masking in MODIS and VIIRS NASA Sea Surface Temperature Products. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 36, 387–407, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0103.1