PACE Science Data

Initial Release Notes

The PACE mission launched on 8 February 2024, and spacecraft and instrument commissioning completed on 5 April 2024. This initial release of science data products from PACE (Version 1) provides the science and applications user community with access to the Level-1 data and a limited suite of derived products from the OCI, HARP2, and SPEXone instruments of PACE, with the caveat that the data are in a preliminary state and should be used with caution. Frequent updates and reprocessings to incorporate post-launch calibration knowledge, algorithm refinements, and additional data products should be expected.

All data products are distributed in self-describing netCDF4 format, and are available in the following data processing levels.

The Level-1C and Level-2 data files are divided into 5-minute granules that start at the southern terminator crossing of the ascending daylight orbit and end at the northern terminator crossing. For OCI, and HARP2 the Level-1A and Level-1B data are also in 5-minute granules, while SPEXone is organized into continuous daylight orbit periods (~50 minutes).

The products available at this release are categorized into maturity levels as:

The notes that follow provide a high-level overview on the status and known issues for the Level-1 products of each instrument and the derived science products currently available.

For a comprehensive list of the science data products planned for PACE and the current status of those products and algorithms see the PACE Data Products Table.

OCI Level-1 Data (Provisional)

OCI data has been calibrated based on prelaunch characterization measurements only. Initial analysis of the on-orbit solar calibration measurements indicates that the absolute instrument radiometric calibration is valid to within a few percent, but comprehensive assessment of all Level-1B data has not yet been performed.

Known Issues and Data Characteristics:

HARP2 Level-1 Data (Provisional)

HARP2 data has been calibrated at the lab during pre-launch characterization. Initial assessment of on-orbit data shows that HARP2 requires additional calibration corrections. On-orbit data has been collected during solar and lunar calibration exercises. The data is currently being analyzed by the HARP2 team and additional corrections are expected in the near future. Data has been processed to levels 1A, 1B, and 1C.

Known Issues:

SPEXone Level-1 Data (Provisional)

The SPEXone initial data released by the PACE Project has been calibrated based on prelaunch characterization measurements and some of the first flight data. Initial analysis of the on-orbit data indicates that the SPEXone characterization derived from prelaunch measurements is valid for the on-orbit characterization of the instrument.

Known Issues:

OCI Level-2 Products

They are organized into product suites, with each suite in one file per granule. In some cases, the Level-2 products suites may contain a mix of Provisional, Test, and Diagnostic products.

OC_AOP, Ocean Color Apparent Optical Properties




Known Issues:

OC_IOP (Ocean Inherent Optical Properties)
