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EN1_MDSI_MER_RR__1P_20041014T221506_20041014T225858_013725_0144_20180625T043116_0100.ZIP EN1_MDSI_MER_RR__1P_20041013T224636_20041013T233028_013711_0130_20180625T035919_0100.ZIP
T2004288112000.L1A_LAC A2004288015500.L1A_LAC
14Oct2004 13Oct2004
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
EN1_MDSI_MER_RR__1P_20041014T221506_20041014T225858_013725_0144_20180625T043116_0100.ZIP A2004288153000.L1A_LAC T2004288112000.L1A_LAC T2004288094500.L1A_LAC S2004288020850.L1A_GAC A2004288015500.L1A_LAC T2004288001000.L1A_LAC EN1_MDSI_MER_RR__1P_20041013T224636_20041013T233028_013711_0130_20180625T035919_0100.ZIP
display list of filenamesdisplay list of level-0 filenames A2004288153000.L1A_LAC S2004288020850.L1A_GAC
T2004288094500.L1A_LAC T2004288001000.L1A_LAC

Search Criteria
Time Period: Thursday, 14 October 2004 (daytime)
Sensors: Terra and Suomi-NPP and Sentinel3B(ERR) and Sentinel3B(EFR) and Sentinel3A(ERR) and Sentinel3A(EFR) and SeaWiFS(MLAC) and SeaWiFS(GAC) and OCTS(ADEOS) and NOAA-20 and MERIS(RR) and MERIS(FRS) and HawkEye(SeaHawk) and HICO(ISS) and GOCI(COMS) and CZCS(Nimbus-7) and Aqua
MERIS Data Types: GAC
Area of Interest: Within 0 km of 49.0N,163.0E

Percentage of AOI that swaths must include: 0

Number of swaths: 1st through 9th of 9 swaths

OceanColor Web
gene carl feldman (gene.c.feldman@nasa.gov) (301) 286-9428